My Money
Find information about payroll, pay stubs, tax records, compensation and more.
Payroll Schedule
Pay dates for faculty and unclassified staff are the last working day of the month.
Full-time Faculty Salary Distribution
Full-time faculty appointments are for an academic year. The default pay schedule is:
- August approximately 1/2 month salary (depending on number of workdays per month). August 2022 = 43.48% of 1/9th.
- September through April full-month (1/9th) salary
- May approximately 1/2 month salary (depending on number of workdays per month). May 2023 = 56.52% of 1/9th.
Deferred Salary Distribution
Faculty with a full-time academic year appointment may choose to receive the salary spread over 12 months. A portion of each month's salary during the term (academic year) is "deferred" and reserved so that salary is distributed over the summer months, allowing an equal month's salary for 12 consecutive months.
If you wish to be paid over 12 months, you must complete a Deferred Pay Authorization. This authorization must be submitted no later than August 12, 2022 to be effective for the first payroll of the 2022-23 academic year.
- This pay plan cannot be implemented after the August payroll is completed and is not available for one-semester appointments, part-time faculty appointments, or appointments of less than an academic year.
View Pay Stubs, Tax Records, and Tuition Fee Waiver Status
Access the Employee tab in myMiami to view financial records and personal information.
Summer Compensation
Summer earnings for full-time faculty are capped at 33 1/3% of the prior year’s base salary (three months of base salary) for any combination of duties (teaching, workshops, research, administrative, special assignments).
- Instructional salary is calculated at 3% of your base salary per credit hour (unless other departmental/campus guidelines exist).
- For grant-based earnings, the funding agency may impose income limitations.
Special Note: Grants and External Funds
If a portion of a faculty member's workload is to be covered by a grant or other external funds (bought out), request the Cost Sharing and Release Time form from Academic Personnel. The form must be completed, approved and submitted during the semester of the buyout.