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Bargaining Update July 8, 2024

The University and Union bargaining committees met on July 8, 2024, to continue negotiations for an initial faculty contract.

Faculty Updates

Bargaining Update July 8, 2024

On July 8, the University and the Union met to continue negotiations for a first faculty contract. The Union presented counter proposals on Appointment, Renewal and Promotion of TCPL Faculty, Compensation, Salary Adjustment Studies and Emeritus/Emerita Faculty. The Union also read a letter responding to the University’s recent decision to move forward with the AI Taskforce without bargaining unit faculty and librarians.

The University presented a counter proposal on Faculty Evaluations and rejected the Union’s outstanding proposals on Emeritus/Emerita Faculty, Maintenance of Policies and Procedures and Program Elimination. The University responded to the Union’s correspondence regarding the AI Taskforce with its own letter. In that letter the University explained that AI is not a mandatory subject of bargaining. However, given the Union’s prior contention that the University engaged in direct-dealing by communicating with its bargaining unit faculty members on the subject of AI, the University requested that FAM rescind its April 2 Cease and Desist letter in order to permit the AI Taskforce to continue with faculty participation, without the threat of a direct dealing charge. This request was previously made to the Union at the June 17 bargaining session. The University’s letter reiterated to the Union that if it truly wants to reinstitute the AI Taskforce with bargaining unit faculty participation, the Union needs to confirm to the University that the participation of and with bargaining unit faculty on the AI Taskforce does not constitute direct dealing, and that the Union agrees not to pursue any unfair labor practice charge related to any bargaining unit faculty member’s past or current participation on the AI Taskforce. The University intends to provide a Memorandum of Understanding with these representations to the Union for its signature. 

The parties are scheduled to meet again Aug. 7 and 14.

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