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Freedom Summer Scholars host Aiken High School students to help diversify teaching
This summer, a group of Aiken High School students -- each an aspiring educator -- participated in the Freedom Summer Scholars program. For two weeks, they focused on Black history and Black education as a way to help diversify the teaching profession.
Miami begins CEC Outreach program
With the help of Assistant Director Joanna Hohn, Miami is starting a CEC K-12 Outreach Program.
The Department of Music at Miami University Announces Five New Faculty Members
The Department of Music at Miami University hires five exciting new faculty members before the Fall 2021 semester.
Esports Academy for teachers and parents: a Q-and-A with Phill Alexander
The Esports Academy, a continuing education workshop, that will be offered at King Library July 15-16.
Professor Rodney Coates awarded the President's Medal
Rodney Coates teaches critical race theory to 30 student-athletes participating in the Summer Bridge Program, which Coates created several years ago with Craig Bennett, now senior director of the Student Success Center. In this photo, he's teaching about Loving v. Virginia, the landmark civil rights decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in which the court ruled that laws banning interracial marriage violate the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.The professor of critical race and ethnic studies was presented with the award “in recognition of his extraordinary service to Miami University and the entire Miami Community."
New staff member Joanna Hohn starts CEC Outreach program
Joanna Hohn, Assistant Director of Outreach, discusses her new position and what got her started at Miami.
Xin Wang receives NSF CAREER grant for photosynthesis redesign research
Xin Wang, assistant professor of microbiology, and his lab group. Left to right: Shrameeta Shinde, doctoral student; Danielle Wilcox, senior public health major and premedical studies co-major; Wang; Steve Yu, senior microbiology major; doctoral student Shaun Jiang; and master's student Malory Wolfe.Wang was awarded more than $895,000 for five years for his research on photosynthesis improvement, using a photosynthetic cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) as a model system.
Reframe: Episode 85
Nathaniel Bryan explains why culturally relevant teaching is critical for the success of black male students.
Keisha Norris named Departmental Advisor of the ECE.
Academic Advisor Keisha Norris is being promoted to Departmental Advisor for the ECE due to her outstanding commitment to the students.