University Senate Actions RSS Feed

Senate News, November 20, 2023
Senators continued a discussion on changing the Undergraduate Internship Policy. A resolution (below) was then passed with a vote. Senators heard an update from Liz Mullenix and a special report from Jason Ezell, Head, Learning and Engagement, Nate Floyd, Student Success Librarian for Foundational Learning and Laura Birkenhauer, Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement on the Library retention programs. Senate was adjourned, but then reconvened to approve abbreviated minutes and with that vote, the resolution below was approved.
Senate News, November 6, 2023
Senators heard a report on studying abroad from Cheryl Young, Associate Vice President of Global Initiatives along with proposed revisions to the Undergraduate Internship Policy. Senate approved changes to the Management of Conflicts of Interest in Projects with External Funding Policy.
Senate News, October 23, 2023
Senators heard a proposal to change the Management of Conflicts of Interest in Projects with External Funding Policy. Discussion and a vote will be scheduled for November 6, 2023. Senators also heard a special report on the Climate Task Force from Jonathan Levy, Director, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, Olivia Herron, Director of Sustainability in Physical Facilities, and Susan Meikle, Writer/editor, and Sustainability Communications, University News and Communications. The Provost updated us about her trip to Luxembourg.
Senate News, October 9, 2023
Senate approved two new graduate programs, a Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering and a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering. Senate heard an update on the Mental Health Task Force from Jayne Brownell, Vice President of Student Life and Brooke Flinders, Associate Provost of Faculty Affairs. Senate heard about the Process for New Majors and Sunsetting Majors from Nathan French, Associate Professor of Religion and Carolyn Haynes, Senior Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives. Senate heard an announcement about the change in voting laws from Liz Wardle, Howe Distinguished Professor of Written Communication.
Senate News, September 25, 2023
University Senate met on September 25, 2023 in Harrison 111. Senate heard from Keith Hohn on two graduate programs in Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. Senate also heard an update from Leighton Peterson, Director of the Office of Liberal Education on the new Miami Plan. Senate also took nominations and elected two members to the Midterm Ad-hoc Committee (Thank you to Carol Fabby and Andrew Hebard).
Senate News, September 11, 2023
University Senate met on September 11, 2023 in Harrison 111. Senate heard from Senior Associate Provost Carolyn Haynes on the Establishment of Centers & Institutes Policy Proposal. Senate also heard presentations from BaShaun Smith, Associate VP & Dean of Students, Brent Shock, VP for Enrollment Management and Student Success, and a joint presentation on the Humanities Futures Committee and Initiatives from Tim Melley, Director of the Humanities Center and Provost Mullenix.
Senate News, May 1, 2023
Senators approved a new Cybersecurity Program.
Senate News, April 24, 2023
Senators heard about a proposed Cybersecurity Program, thanked Tom Poetter for his service as chair-elect of the 2022-2023 Senate Executive Committee, and welcomed Tracy Haynes as the chair of the 2023-2024 Senate Executive Committee.
Senate News, April 17, 2023
The Provost gave an update on SB-83 and Campus safety. Senators continued discussion on seven items of business including changes to the promotion policies for 1) Tenure Track and 2) TCPL faculty, 3) Responsive changes in the TCPL Promotion and Dossier Guidelines, 4) a TCPL cap change in CEC, and proposed changes to the 5) Academic Integrity Policy, 6) Registration Policy, and 7) Probation Policy. Senators gave Senate Executive Committee permission to continue to fill senate committees over the summer.