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Senate News, June 22, 2020
University Senate met on June 22, 2020, via WebEx. Senate heard a special report from the Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee regarding the approved FY 21 budget and their work so far this summer. Robin Parker (General Counsel) and Kenya Ash (OEEO) briefed Senate regarding the changes to Title IX.
Senate News, June 8, 2020
University Senate met on June 8, 2020, via WebEx. Senate approved a new major: Digital Commerce (B.S. Commerce). Also approved was a Sense of the Senate regarding racism.
Senate News, May 4, 2020
University Senate met on May 4, 2020, via WebEx. Senate approved a Proclamation (below) created by senators, led by Senator Rodney Coates. Senate heard from Senator James Bielo, Chair of the Ad-Hoc Committee on the Arrest Reporting Policy regarding the Committee's findings. Senate approved the recommendations, which were that the policy should not have Senate approval. Senate approved a resolution to allow the staffing of Senate Committees to continue into the summer. It was announced that there will be at least one summer meeting held.
Senate News, April 27, 2020
University Senate met on April 27, 2020, via WebEx. Senate approved two new majors: Sales Management (B.S. Commerce) and Entrepreneurship and Emerging Technology (Masters in Entrepreneurship and Emerging Technology). Senators heard a Proclamation that was created by senators. Revisions to SR 20-14 (adding the position of 'Past-Chair' to Senate Executive Committee) were approved.
Senate News, April 20, 2020
There were discussions and resolutions today regarding both Academic Program Review and Teaching Evaluation Questions for spring 2020. The Tenure/Tenure-Track and TCPL Dossier Guideline revisions were also approved.
Senate News, April 13, 2020
Today's meeting was a special Budget Symposium, featuring discussion lead by Provost Osborne and Sr. Vice President Creamer. The presentation focused on the knowns and the unknowns of our current environment and the budgetary challenges faced. Answers to questions previously submitted were provided.
Senate News, April 6, 2020
Jaylen Perkins, President, ASG, presented the ASG year in review. Senators discussed the proposed Amorous Relationships Policy, Senate By-laws Section 8.a., and, adding questions to the Spring 2020 course evaluations. Additionally, senators approved changes in the structure of Senate Executive Committee.
Senate News, March 30, 2020
A meeting of University Senate was held on March 30, 2020 via WebEx. Provost Osborne provided a COVID-19 and campus update. Bill Knight, Director of the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness presented information regarding potential changes to the academic program review process. Qihou Zhou, Chair and Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, introduced the proposed Robotics Engineering major. Paul Flaspohler, Associate Professor of Psychology and Process Coordinator for the sunsetting of the Family Science major, reported his findings. Likewise, Patrick Dowling, Chair and Professor of Mathematics and Process Coordinator for the creation of an Entrepreneurship department, reported his findings. Jeffrey Wanko, Associate Provost, briefly introduced proposed additional questions for the end of the semester course evaluations for the Spring 2020 semester.
Senate News, March 16, 2020
An additional meeting of Senate was held on March 16, 2020 via WebEx. Provost Osborne provided a COVID-19 update. Shelly Jarrett Bromberg, Leighton Peterson, and John-Charles Duffy provided information to senators, and answered questions, about the proposed revisions to the Global Miami Plan requirements. Senators engaged in a discussion with Stacey Lowery Bretz regarding the Academic Program Evaluation Improvement Process.