University Senate Actions RSS Feed

Senate News, November 9, 2020
Senators heard form Dr. Keith Fennen, Chair, Faculty Welfare Committee, regarding proposed changes to the TCPL hiring policy. Dr. Jen Rode, Nursing, presented two degree proposals: Doctor of Nursing and Master of Science in Nursing. Senator Cathy Wagner presented a resolution regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Associate Provost, Carolyn Haynes, returned to Senate for further discussion regarding changes to Senate ByLaws 8.A and MUPIM 11.1. Senator Liz Wardle introduced latest version of the Amorous Relationships Policy.
Senate News, October 26, 2020
Senators heard a 'Budget 101' presentation from Dr. David Creamer, Sr. V.P. for Finance and Business Services. Dean Michael Crowder gave a Graduate School update. Senators approved changes to the composition of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee.
Senate News, October 12, 2020
Associate Provost Jeffrey Wanko led a discussion regarding the formation of an ad-hoc committee to review the class attendance policy. Dr. Bennyce Hamilton returned to Senate to continue discussion on the changes to the composition and function of the Council on Diversity and Inclusion.
Senate News, September 28, 2020
University Distinguished Professor Stacey Lowery Bretz provided an update on the Academic Program Evaluation, Improvement and Prioritization (APEIP) process. Dr. Bennyce Hamilton introduced proposed changes to the composition and function of the Council on Diversity and Inclusion. Jerome Conley, Dean, University Libraries, introduced a Sense of the Senate resolution on the prioritization of library space.
Senate News, September 14, 2020
University Senate met on September 14, 2020, via WebEx. Senate heard a presentation from Joel Harper, Chair, Finance, regarding the proposed Real Estate major (B.S. Business.) The major was unanimously approved (resolution below.) Tim Greenlee, Senior Associate Dean, Farmer School of Business, updated senate on proposal to increase FSB's TCPL cap to 40%. The proposal was received and approved. The ICA furlough plan was explained by Dr. David Creamer, Sr. V.P. for Finance and Business Services. The plan was received and approved. Finally, discussion regarding the Reduction in Force Policy was continued by senators, led by Robin Parker, General Counsel. The policy was received and approved. c) Furlough Plan – ICA – Dr. David Creamer, Sr. V.P. Finance & Business Services 5) Old Business a) Temporary Reduction in Force Policy – Robin Parker, General Counsel special report from the Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee regarding the approved FY 21 budget and their work so far this summer. Robin Parker (General Counsel) and Kenya Ash (OEEO) briefed Senate regarding the changes to Title IX.
Senate News, August 31, 2020
University Senate met on August 31, 2020, via WebEx. Senators heard a presentation from Stacey Lowery Bretz on the proposed ICA furloughs. The Reduction in Force Policy for Unclassified Staff was introduced by Robin Parker, General Counsel, and discussion continued regarding the Furlough Policy.
Senate News, August 17, 2020
University Senate met on August 17, 2020, via WebEx. New senators were welcomed. Several updates were given as well as discussion regarding a proposal for senate working sessions on off-weeks of Senate. This initiative is lead by Senator Tom Poetter (EDL). Senators continued discussion on the furlough policy and tabled the discussion of SR 20-05 indefinitely.
Senate News, August 3, 2020
University Senate met on August 3, 2020, via WebEx. Senate discussed the Furlough Policy with Robin Parker, General Counsel.
Senate News, July 20, 2020
University Senate met on July 20, 2020, via WebEx. Senate heard several campus updates, including a classroom and space update from Associate Provost Jeffrey Wanko and a Safe Return to Campus Update from Dana Cox and Gwen Fears, Committee Co-Chairs. Senator Kenya Ash returned to do a follow-up regarding Title IX changes.