Ohio College2Careers
Meet Our C2C Counselor Wendy
Wendy Taylor is Miami's Ohio College2Careers Counselor. Wendy’s office is in The Miller Center for Student Disability Services in Shriver Center Room 304. She also spends one day per week at both Miami Middletown and Miami Hamilton Career Services. She can be reached at taylorw7@MiamiOH.edu OR wendy.taylor@ood.ohio.gov OR 513-313-2111.
Get Started with C2C
To get started with C2C multiple options are available:
- Complete the Ohio College2Careers Interest Form and Wendy will contact you.
The Miller Center for Student Disability Services
304 Shriver Center701 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056 sds@MiamiOH.edu 513-529-1541