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Qualitative Research Chronic Illness Case Studies Disability

Chronic illness and generativity in late life: A case study

This article presents a narrative-based case study about chronic illness and genetic uncertainty and their relationship to generativity throughout the life course.

Qualitative Research Chronic Illness Case Studies Disability

Chronic illness and generativity in late life: A case study

This article presents a narrative-based case study about chronic illness and genetic uncertainty and their relationship to generativity throughout the life course. Our focus is a woman who experienced vision loss early in life and interpreted its impact on her generativity through present-day biographical rescripting. This article contributes an understanding of childlessness as observed through the lenses of chronic illness, autonomy, and generativity. We conclude that a history of chronic illness, as it is co-occurring with internal debates about the meaning of key life events, may influence older adults’ present-day identity.

The Gerontologist, 57(2), 171-178. doi: 10/1093/geronto/gnv.105

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