The Impact of Health Care Contracting on Community-Based Organizations
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Isha Karmacharya
The Impact of Health Care Contracting on Community-Based Organizations
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Isha Karmacharya
Lifting the Veil: How Networks Form, Operate, Struggle, and Succeed
This qualitative study examines community-based organizations (CBOs) seeking to work with each other and to contract with health care entities to improve coordination, reduce fragmentation, and inc...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Robert J. Graham • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
In this presentation, we share information on access to and participation in adult education and training (AET) and then share examples of alternative methods for funding AET...
Phyllis A. Cummins • Abigail Helsinger • Takashi Yamashita • Nytasia M. Hicks
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has challenged the way nursing homes deliver person-centered care (PCC).
Katherine M. Abbott • Miranda C. Kunkel • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Kamryn Kasler • Alexandra Heppner • Megan Kelley
Presentation - Strategies to Engage Marginalized Adults in Education
Our section of the presentation focused on strategies to engage marginalized adults in education.
Abigail Helsinger • Samuel Van Vleet
Exploring cause of death as a factor in social convoy membership: The case of Pauline
Research integrating social convoy and continuing bonds frameworks suggests that deceased individuals can be included in convoys as connections may carry on after death.
Kate de Medeiros • M. Elise Radina • Sara E. Stemen
This video provides an introduction and overview of the IES-funded project Literacy, Numeracy, and Problem-Solving Skills in Technology-Rich Environment in the STEM-related Subbaccalaure...
Takashi Yamashita • Jenna Kramer • Phyllis A. Cummins • Abigail Helsinger • Rita Karam • Maia Punksungka
As outlined in this presentation, providing more support and opportunities for formal, non-formal, and informal learning can enhance continuing education and training participation of low-skilled o...
Meghan Young • Abigail Helsinger • Oksana Dikhtyar • Takashi Yamashita • Nytasia M. Hicks • Phyllis A. Cummins
This presentation explains qualitative research strategies that have been successful in identifying, recruiting, and interviewing key informants from multiple countries.
Abigail Helsinger • Phyllis A. Cummins • Nytasia M. Hicks
Presentation - Equity in Adult Education: The Ohio Story
This is a test description
Abigail Helsinger • Phyllis A. Cummins
Presentations - Job Training for Adults without Credentials: Models that Work
This video highlights segments of a presentation on opportunities for education and training for adults as well as barriers adult learners face when pursuing those opportunities.
Wendi Copeland • Abigail Helsinger • Phyllis A. Cummins • Takashi Yamashita
End-of-Life Educational Needs of State Tested Nurse Aides in Ohio Long-Term Care Facilities
This research brief shares the findings of a qualitative research study that solicited the opinions of current State Tested Nurse Aides (STNAs), registered nurses (RNs), and licensed practical nurs...
Kimberly K. Ogle • Alex D'Errico-Bronston
Through the Montessori Looking-Glass: Barriers to Implementing a Montessori-Based Intervention
Montessori methods are used with individuals with dementia to create meaningful, inclusive, failure-free activities that enhance quality of life.
Kathleen M. Farfsing • Jennifer M. Kinney • Leah M. Janssen
Strategies employed by Ohio community colleges to improve labor market outcomes for older students
To remain competitive in the labor market, many middle-aged and older adults need to upgrade existing or learn new skills through occupational training and education.
Oksana Dikhtyar • Phyllis A. Cummins • Kathryn McGrew • Peter Riley Bahr
"Place" in the small stories of African American elders: A narrative case study
This study analyzed small stories from five African Americans to better understand “place” in the context of their lives.
Kate de Medeiros • Gwendolyn Etter-Lewis
This study investigated barriers to fulfilling food preferences from nursing home (NH) residents’ perspectives, and the reasons preferences changed (situational dependencies).
Amy Kotterman • Chelsea N. Goldstein • Katherine M. Abbott • Lauren R. Bangerter • Kimberly Van Haitsma
E-hail (rideshare) knowledge, use, reliance, and future expectations among older adults
The goals of this study were to explore e-hail (e.g., Uber/Lyft) knowledge, use, reliance, and future expectations among older adults. Specifically, to identify factors that were related to e-hail,...
Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher • Annie C. Harmon • Ganesh M. Babulal • Jonathon M. Vivoda
This exploratory study examined: how strongly subjectively reported driving avoidance behaviors (commonly referred to as self-regulation) and exposure were related to their objectively measured cou...
Carolyn DiGuiseppi • the LongROAD Research Team • Lisa J. Molnar • David Strogatz • Scott E. Bogard • Lindsay Ryan • Raymond Yung • Thelma J. Mielenz • Michael J. Rovine • Guohua Li • David W. Eby • J. S. Zakraksek • David Joseph LeBlanc • Jacqui Smith • Linda V. Nyquist • Renée M. St Louis • Jonathon M. Vivoda • Nicole Zanier
The Caregiver Toolbox: Evaluation of a Workshop for Informal Caregivers
This report is an evaluation of a face-to-face group workshop designed for informal caregivers of older adults provided by the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging.
Jane Straker • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
Neighborhood Assistants Pilot: A Program Evaluation of Person-Centered Staffing
The purpose of this study was to pilot test and evaluate an innovative staffing approach called the Neighborhood Assistant (NA) at the Francis E. Parker Memorial Home.
Carol Burt • Katherine M. Abbott • Justine Sefcik • Lisa Slator
Chronic illness and generativity in late life: A case study
This article presents a narrative-based case study about chronic illness and genetic uncertainty and their relationship to generativity throughout the life course.
Kate de Medeiros
Public health policies are designed for specific subsets of the population.
Dawn Carr • J. Scott Brown • Takashi Yamashita
Generativity in elderly Oblate Sisters of Providence
This paper explored how generativity and well-being merged in a group of childless older women: African and Hispanic Roman Catholic Religious Sisters, linking two minority identity characteristics.
Kate de Medeiros
Successful aging, Gerontological theory, and neoliberalism: A qualitative critique
This article is a critique of the successful aging (SA) paradigm as described in the Rowe and Kahn book, Successful Aging (1998).
Kate de Medeiros
Extending the framework of generativity through research: A qualitative Study
This study defines 4 foci of generativity (people, groups, things, and activities) and 4 spheres of generativity (historical, familial, individual, and relational) based in American culture and wit...
Kate de Medeiros
Using Art to Overcome Cognitive Barriers
OMA operates programs at eight other locations in southwestern Ohio, including long-term-care communities and adult-day centers serving about 125 elders and 200 volunteers a year in small-group ses...
Elizabeth Like Lokon
The Role of Relevancy and Social Suffering in Generativity Among Older Post-Soviet Women Immigrants
This paper examines generativity, social suffering, and culture change in a sample of 16 women aged 65 years or older who emigrated from the former Soviet Union.
Kate de Medeiros
Generative acts of people with dementia in a long-term care setting
Although generativity is used as a central cultural construct within life course theory to illustrate how older persons create interpersonal ties, it is also tied to key concepts in social exchange...
Kate de Medeiros
Analyzing state-based Silver Alert programs: the case of North Carolina
Recent discussions about securing the autonomy and safety of older people in a cost-effective way have culminated in the establishment of "Silver Alert" media-alert policies in more than ...
J. Scott Brown • Takashi Yamashita
Application of the model of allostasis to older women's relocation to senior housing
Adjustment to senior housing entails significant lifestyle changes and is a stressful process.
Heidi H. Ewen • Jennifer M. Kinney
This research presents and discusses findings on how increased staff knowledge of an Ohio nursing homes residents' past improved communication and relations between resident and staff and, als...
Michael Payne
Images of Ohio Centenarians: An Exploratory Study
This research report presents findings from face-to-face qualitative interviews with 16 centenarians residing in southwest, central, and northeast Ohio.
Jessie A. Leek • Lisa Groger