The Impact of Health Care Contracting on Community-Based Organizations
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Isha Karmacharya
The Impact of Health Care Contracting on Community-Based Organizations
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Isha Karmacharya
Successful Contracting Between CBOs and Health Care Entities
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
The National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging: 2022 Results
The web-based survey was launched in September 2022 to all 616 AAAs.
Robert J. Graham • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Isha Karmacharya
The AgeSmart Inventory: A Multifaceted Tool to Understand Age Bias
This paper describes the development of an inventory, created over four stages, designed to foster introspective and collaborative thinking about age-directed values.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Lei Yu • Kate de Medeiros
Lifting the Veil: How Networks Form, Operate, Struggle, and Succeed
This qualitative study examines community-based organizations (CBOs) seeking to work with each other and to contract with health care entities to improve coordination, reduce fragmentation, and inc...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Robert J. Graham • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Balancing Mission and Momentum
Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) are entering a new phase marked by a heightened focus on social determinants of health.
Advancing Partnerships: Contracting Between Community-based Organizations and Health Care Entities
This report provides additional findings from the 2021 Request for Information (RFI) survey about the current characteristics of community-based organization (CBO) contracts with health care partners.
Robert J. Graham • Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Achieving population health impacts
Evidence-based health promotion programs can help older adults manage chronic conditions and address behavioral risk factors, and translating these interventions to population-scale impact depends ...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Leslie A. Curry • Traci L. Wilson • Amanda L. Brewster
Strengthening Ties: Contracting Between Community-Based Organizations and Health Care Entities
The Aging and Disability Business Institute (Business Institute), led by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), supports the business acumen of CBOs to enhance contracting with h...
Jane Straker • Traci L. Wilson • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Fast-track innovation: Area Agencies on Aging respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
Millions of older Americans depend on services provided by Area Agencies on Aging to support their nutritional, social, and health needs.
Traci L. Wilson • Amanda L. Brewster • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Marisa Scala-Foley
Area Agencies on Aging are increasingly partnering with health care organizations to address the health-related social needs of older adults and contribute to multisector coalitions that promote co...
Amanda L. Brewster • Jennifer Frehn • Traci L. Wilson • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Diane Berish
Trends, determinants and the implications of population aging in Iran
Fertility and mortality decline are major drivers of Iran's population aging.
Nader Mehri • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Mahmood Messkoub
This report highlights findings from a community needs assessment survey of Oxford and Oxford Township residents age 50 and older.
Meghan Young • Usha Dhakal • Valerie Flores (Valerie Kessler) • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Aging and Disability Business Institute: Final evaluation report
The Aging and Disability Business Institute (Business Institute), led by the National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), was established in 2016 with a mission to build and strengthen pa...
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Jane Straker • Traci L. Wilson • Suzanne R. Kunkel
The upcoming reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA) is an opportunity to acknowledge the expanding priorities for that landmark legislation, along with the forward motion of Area Agencies...
Community-Based Organizations and Health Care Contracting: Building and Strengthening Partnerships
Community-based organizations (CBOs) such as Area Agencies on Aging and Centers for Independent Living are well-positioned within their communities to improve social determinants of health (housing...
Traci L. Wilson • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker
This study evaluates whether an arts-based intergenerational experience, Opening Minds through Art (OMA), increases positive attitudes or allophilia ("liking for the other"—in this ...
Yue Li • Elizabeth Like Lokon • Suzanne R. Kunkel
This project was designed to evaluate the implementation and impact of Enhanced Service Coordination (ESC) in affordable housing for older adults and people with disabilities.
Ian Matt Nelson • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Kate de Medeiros • Cassandra L. Hua • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs)—which coordinate social services for older adults in communities across the US—regularly address social determinants of health, sometimes in partnership wi...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Leslie A. Curry • Jane Straker • Amanda L. Brewster
Community-Based Organizations and Health Care Contracting
In 2016, the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) received a grant from The John A. Hartford Foundation to develop a National Aging and Disability Business Institute.
Jane Straker • Erin Kelly • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Workforce Development in the United States: Facilitating Opportunities to Work at Older Ages
Shifts in the age structure of the U.S. labor force, combined with the increased labor force participation rates (LFPRs) among older adults, require policies and programs that encourage and support...
Global Population Aging and Labor Force Implications: Working Longer, Learning Longer
Countries around the world, both more and less developed, are experiencing shifts in age structure.
A global examination of policies and practices for lifelong learning
Continuous learning over the life course is necessary to successfully compete in a knowledge-based global economy.
This research record highlights the findings from a national survey of the Title VI Organizations (TO).
Heather R. Reece • Kathryn McGrew • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker
Skill upgrades over the lifecourse are increasingly important in a knowledged-based global economy.
Ryan Michael Walker • Phyllis A. Cummins • Suzanne R. Kunkel
The evolution, innovation, and future of Area Agencies on Aging
More than 600 area agencies on aging (AAA) provide locally responsive, coordinated services for older adults living in every community in the United States.
Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Anthony R. Bardo • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Wenxuan Huang • Karl Chow • Shahla Mehdizadeh
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Anthony R. Bardo • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Karl Chow • Anthony R. Bardo • Wenxuan Huang
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Jane Straker • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang • Anthony R. Bardo • Suzanne R. Kunkel
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Wenxuan Huang • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Karl Chow • Anthony R. Bardo
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Anthony R. Bardo • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Karl Chow • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Jane Straker • Wenxuan Huang • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang • Jane Straker
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Karl Chow • Anthony R. Bardo • Wenxuan Huang • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Jane Straker • Anthony R. Bardo • Wenxuan Huang • Karl Chow • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Anthony R. Bardo • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh
The National Aging Network Survey 2013 Results
The 2013 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging builds on previous surveys to assess the evolving role of AAAs in the new health care delivery system.
Jane Straker • Heather R. Reece • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Everyone is Talking About It, But Does It Work?
In response to increasing Medicaid expenditures and consumer preferences, states are reforming their long-term care systems to provide more community-based services.
The project sought to determine the role the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) might play in supporting the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program in their expanded role in the HOME Cho...
Sarah G. Boehle • Phyllis A. Cummins • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Think Globally, Act Locally: The Maturing of a Worldwide Science and Practice of Aging
This article answers the question, “Why should we care about global aging?” with a look at the first half century (1945-2000) in the study of aging, and then delineates the reasons why ...
Bridging the Aging Network and Medical Community Survey: Care Transitions from Hospital to Home
With a grant from the Administration on Aging (AoA), the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) partnered with the Scripps Gerontology Center to conduct the 2012 Bridging the Aging Ne...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Elizabeth Carpio • Jane Straker
Evaluation of Ohio's Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
In 2011, the Ohio Legislature asked the Scripps Gerontology Center to evaluate Ohio's two PACE sites and make recommendations for further expansion.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Robert A. Applebaum • Patricia Faust
Bridging the Aging Network and Medical Community: Survey Results
Older adults often need a full complement of services and supports to help them live independently while maintaining their physical or mental health.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Elizabeth Carpio
Aging in Ohio: Population Age 65+ 2000 and 2010 by County
A poster-size table displaying changes in the number and proportion of Ohio's age 65+ population by age group and gender for each of Ohio's 88 counties.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Takashi Yamashita
2011 Title VI Native American Programs Survey Results
Summary of a survey conducted in 2011 of Title VI (Native American Organizations) to assess role of Title VI programs in offering services and supports to the elders in their communities.
Elizabeth Carpio • Kathryn McGrew • Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Inherent in the principle of ‘enabling individuals to remain in their own homes’ is providing services with a self-directed option.
Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Emily Robbins
Building systems for private pay continues to be an area of potential growth in business planning and outreach for the network.
Emily Robbins • Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Nursing Home Transition and Diversion
AAAs provide a number of services that help individuals at risk for institutional care to remain in the community and to transition back to the community when long-term care facility placement is n...
Emily Robbins • Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Enhancing the SCSEP Network: Collaborations, Innovations, and Promising Practices
Using a mixed methods approach, this study sought to identify innovative and promising practices in providing employment and training services to older workers.
Robert A. Applebaum • Phyllis A. Cummins • Suzanne R. Kunkel
This report discusses the evolving role of the aging network in a balanced long-term care system based on the results of the 2010 National Aging Network Survey.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Elizabeth Carpio
Right Place, Right Time, Right Care: An Evaluation of Ohio's Nursing Home Diversion and Transition
In 2010 the Ohio General Assembly asked the Ohio Department of Aging to develop and implement a nursing home diversion and transition initiative.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Robert A. Applebaum • Elizabeth Carpio
Ohio's Aging Network Efforts to Enhance Nursing Home Diversion and Transition
This brief report provides preliminary results from an evaluation of Ohio's diversion and transition demonstration program.
Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Robert A. Applebaum
GenerAges: Generations As They Age
At the Scripps Gerontology Center, we are focused on work that makes a difference in the lives of aging individuals, their families and their communities.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Michael Payne • Emily Robbins • Amber M. Cable • Jane Straker
AAA Caregiving Survey Results summarizes the results of a mini survey of the nations 629 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) on the support they provide to family caregivers.
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Emily Robbins • Jane Straker
The survey was designed to access the role of Title VI Native American programs in offering services and supports to the elders in their communities.
Kathryn McGrew • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel
This brief survey was designed to describe the capacity of the current AAA workforce and the activities undertaken by AAAs to build their future workforce capacity to meet the needs and service dem...
Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
The 2008 survey of Area Agencies on Aging was conducted by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University under a grant from the U.S. Ad...
Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Sandy Markwood • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Consumer Direction in Ohio: Findings From Two Demonstration Projects
This report provides findings from evaluations of two consumer-directed home care programs.
Emergency Readiness and Response: Area Agencies on Aging Survey
The 2008 survey on Emergency Readiness and Response was conducted by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University under a grant from t...
Jane Straker • Sandy Markwood • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Livable Communities: Helping Older Ohioans Live Independent and Fulfilling Lives
This report defines the concept and components of livable communities and several variations, including universal design and green spaces.
Michael Payne • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Karisha Wilcox
With a grant from the Administration on Aging (AoA), the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) partnered with Scripps Gerontology Center to conducted the 2007 Aging Network Survey of...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Jane Straker
Access to Long-Term Care Services
This research brief provides key findings from the assessment as they relate to four topics: Current Status of Aging Network, Involvement in Choices Related Activities, Challenges, and Technical As...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Jane Straker
Evolution of the Aging Network: Modernization and Long-Term Care Initiatives
This article examines how the aging network has evolved since its inception, mandated by the Older Americans Act of 1965.
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Program Evaluation of PASSPORT: Ohio's Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver
The goal for the evaluation of the PASSPORT program was to determine whether the program is providing efficient and cost-neutral services as an alternative to facility-based long-term care, and to ...
Jane Straker • Kathryn McGrew • Valerie Wellin • Shahla Mehdizadeh • William Ciferri • Suzanne R. Kunkel
PASSPORT Quality Assurance and Quality Management
This report addresses findings related to the quality standards of the PASSPORT program.
Dawn Carr • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker
Case Managers' Perspectives on Consumer Direction
From S.R. Kunkel & V. Wellin (Eds.)(2006). Consumer Voice and Choice in Long-Term Care© Reproduced with permission of Springer Publishing Company, LLC, New York, NY 10036
Assessing the Quality of Caregiver Support Services
The project’s primary objective was to design and test an outcome-focused system for quality monitoring of caregiver-support services based largely on input from caregivers themselves.
Kathryn McGrew • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Shawn Davis • Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson
Profiles of Choices Consumers describes the demographics of consumers who choose to enroll in the Choices program, the utilization of Choices services compared to traditional PASSPORT services, and...
Profile and Projections of Ohio's 60+ Population: A State Study
During the next 20 years, the national population, as well as the population in Ohio, will grow older.
P. Neal Ritchey • William Ciferri • Valerie Wellin • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Sarah Poff Roman
A Guide to Quality in Consumer Directed Services
This guide is designed to provide states and programs involved in consumer-directed services with a practical handbook on ensuring and improving the quality of services.
Barbara Schneider • Robert A. Applebaum • Shawn Davis • Suzanne R. Kunkel
For Love and Money: Paying Family Caregivers
In this paper we discuss the dilemmas, debates, assumptions, and evidence regarding...