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Long-Term Care Policy and Financing Home and Community Based Services Business/Economics of Aging Aging Network Health

At The Nexus of Social Care

Successful Contracting Between CBOs and Health Care Entities

Long-Term Care Policy and Financing Home and Community Based Services Business/Economics of Aging Aging Network Health

At The Nexus of Social Care

This research brief explores how the integration of social care and health care is evolving through contracting partnerships between community-based organizations (CBOs) and health care entities. Findings from the fifth CBO Health Care Contracting survey (formerly referred to as the Request for Information Survey) help to highlight the key components of contracting including trends, populations served, partnerships, the role of networks and addressing social determinants of health. In addition, the brief provides insight into what successful contracting looks like for CBOs as they broaden their reach, improve internal operations, generate revenue while expanding payment models and manage data interoperability.

See the Report (340.3Kb)