A Profile of Home and Community-Based Services in Ohio
The report tracks the changes in home care use in the state over the past 30 years.
Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum • Oksana Dikhtyar • John R. Bowblis
A Profile of Home and Community-Based Services in Ohio
The report tracks the changes in home care use in the state over the past 30 years.
Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum • Oksana Dikhtyar • John R. Bowblis
A Profile of Nursing Homes in Ohio
This study provides a comprehensive overview of the nursing home industry in Ohio.
Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson • Oksana Dikhtyar • Negar Nik Bakht • John R. Bowblis • MaKenna McClure
The Federal Proposed Standard for Nursing Home Staffing
In response to concerns about direct care staffing challenges in nursing homes across the nation, on September 6, 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed new federal rul...
Ian Matt Nelson • John R. Bowblis • Amy E. Elliot • Robert A. Applebaum
Current Workforce and Quality Challenges in New York State Nursing Homes
This study provides background information about the current workforce and quality challenges faced by New York’s nursing homes.
Evaluation of Ohio’s MyCare Demonstration
Impact evaluation of Ohio's MyCare Program
Katherine M. Abbott • John R. Bowblis • Robert A. Applebaum • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Ian Matt Nelson
Some communities across the nation are utilizing alternative funding sources to better support home and community-based services for older adults.
Pamela S. Mayberry • Athena Koumoutzis • Robert A. Applebaum • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
Understanding Nursing Home Complaints in Ohio
This study provides an initial look at the characteristics of Ohio nursing homes and their associated complaints.
Jane Straker • Katherine M. Abbott • Xiao Qui • Jenny Kwon • Robert A. Applebaum
Using Local Initiatives to Fund In-Home Services: Ohio Leads the Nation
As a result of limitations in federal and state funding for nonmedical supportive services, some communities across 15 states are utilizing local funding sources to support aging services for older...
Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Athena Koumoutzis • Robert A. Applebaum • Pamela S. Mayberry
Residential Care: An Emerging Sector of the Ohio System of Long-Term Services
This report utilized data from the Biennial Survey of Long-Term Care Facilities to show the expansive growth of residential care facilities and assisted living in Ohio over the last couple decades.
Jessica Yauk • Meghan Young • Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker
Local initiatives to fund services for older Americans: A growing option for states
This report is part of a series of promising practices and emerging innovations from the AARP Public Policy Institute 2020 LTSS State Scorecard.
Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Robert A. Applebaum
Prevalence of COVID-19 in Ohio nursing homes: What's quality got to do with it?
With nursing homes being hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to know whether facilities that have any cases, or those with particularly high caseloads, are different from nursing hom...
Low retention of direct care workers (DCWs), either certified nursing assistants in nursing homes (NH) or personal care assistants in assisted living (AL), continues to be an unresolved problem.
Jane Straker • Robert A. Applebaum • John R. Bowblis • Katherine A. Kennedy
Certified nursing assistant (CNA) turnover and retention are critical aspects of facilities’ ability to provide cost-effective, high-quality person-centered care.
John R. Bowblis • Katherine A. Kennedy • Robert A. Applebaum
Despite the growing proportion of older adults in the United States, federal and state funding for nonmedical supportive services remains limited.
Sara E. Stemen • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Renusha Maharjan • Athena Koumoutzis • Pamela S. Mayberry • Robert A. Applebaum
Policy does matter: Changing an unchangeable long-term services system
Because long-term services policy is largely driven by state decisions, this study examines the impact of state-level changes on Ohio's long-term services system.
Jane Straker • Katherine A. Kennedy • Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson
Prevalence of COVID-19 in Ohio Nursing Homes
This study examines the Prevalence of COVID-19 cases in Ohio nursing homes in the context of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 5-star quality ratings.
This report provides findings from a study of long-term services and supports utilization trends from 1993 to 2017.
Ian Matt Nelson • John R. Bowblis • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker • A. Katherine Harrington
This research brief compares the quality of Ohio's nursing homes to the nation over three time periods from 2013 to 2017.
Care managing together: A review of the Aetna and Area Agency on Aging MyCare partnership in Ohio
This study was a first step in gaining a better understanding of the care management plan models used in the Ohio MyCare Demonstration, focusing on the Aetna unified care management model implement...
Luyna Ducay • Robert A. Applebaum • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Ian Matt Nelson
It is not your parents' long-term services system: Nursing homes in a changing world
The article argues that administrative and regulatory practices have not kept pace with the dramatic changes in how nursing homes are now being used in the long-term services system.
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Diane Berish
Report tracks use long-term services and supports utilization trends from 1993 to 2015.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker • Ian Matt Nelson
From rock-n-roll to rock-n-chair: Are the boomers financially ready for retirement?
Just like generations before them, the baby boomers are not one group, but many.
Using National Data to Examine the Quality of Care in Ohio's Skilled Nursing Facilities
This study compares the quality of Ohio's skilled nursing facilities to the nation overall.
The Residential Long-Term Care Role in Health Care Transitions
The objective of the current study is to describe the activities long-term care facilities are undertaking to reduce hospital admissions and readmissions by working to improve health care transitions.
Jane Straker • Robert A. Applebaum
Expanding Self Direction and Its Impact on Quality
The premise of this paper is that self-direction has impacted service and system design and approaches to quality.
In 2006, Ohio changed its Medicaid reimbursement methodology for nursing homes (NHs) to promote more efficient staffing levels.
This report documents two decades of progress in delivering long-term services in Ohio.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson • Jane Straker
How Does Medicaid Reimbursement Impact the Quality of Ohio Nursing Homes?
Study examines the changes in Medicaid nursing home reimbursement between 2007 and 2012 as Ohio moved to a "new price system".
Long-term services and supports (LTSS): A growing challenge for an aging America
Because most Americans do not plan for the likelihood that we will need formal assistance because of a disability, many end up using the public assistance Medicaid program as the safety net for LTSS.
Long-Term Care Management Turns 40: What We Know and What We Do Not
This article focuses on care management with older people experiencing chronic disability.
What the Paradox of Change Means for the Future of Aging Services
The aging services sector must foster and embrace change, evolving to meet the demands of our modern world, lest it go the way of companies like Kodak and Blockbuster-neither of which anticipated o...
The Nursing Home Five Star Rating: How does it compare to resident and family views of care?
In 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented a five-star rating system of nursing homes in the United States.
Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker
Everyone is Talking About It, But Does It Work?
In response to increasing Medicaid expenditures and consumer preferences, states are reforming their long-term care systems to provide more community-based services.
This longitudinal study, initiated by the General Assembly in 1993 and continuously funded by the Ohio Department of Aging, tracks how long-term utilization has changed over the past two decades in...
Jane Straker • Ian Matt Nelson • Malinda Deacon • Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh
Integrated Care and the Aging Network: The Next Frontier or the End of an Era?
The strong push to integrate Medicare and Medicaid services has been driven by the federal government through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and by states, in response to two maj...
International Approaches to Long-term Services and Supports
For older adults who may experience significant disability from injury or disease, the daily activities present challenges that may require ongoing assistance from family members, friends, or a for...
Anthony R. Bardo • Robert A. Applebaum • Emily Robbins
Delivering Long-Term Services to Ohio Elders: Good Progress, But Challenges Await
The study describes the changes in Ohio's approach to delivering long-term care services that have occurred from 1993 to 2011.
Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson • Shahla Mehdizadeh
Evaluation of Ohio's Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
In 2011, the Ohio Legislature asked the Scripps Gerontology Center to evaluate Ohio's two PACE sites and make recommendations for further expansion.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Robert A. Applebaum • Patricia Faust
Providing Data to Improve Ohio's Long-Term Services and Supports System (First three indicators)
This project tracks Ohio’s progress toward a more balanced system of long-term care services and support. The study, funded by the Ohio Department of Job and family Services, began in 2010 an...
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh
Ohio Long-Term Services and Supports Factbook
This factbook provides a broad overview of Ohio's system of long-term services and supports.
Jane Straker • Denise Brothers-McPhail • Robert A. Applebaum
This report provides findings from a survey of Ohio's counties operating senior-service property-tax levies. Results cover services, expenditures, clients served, eligibility, election strateg...
Jane Straker • Robert A. Applebaum • Michael Payne
Enhancing the SCSEP Network: Collaborations, Innovations, and Promising Practices
Using a mixed methods approach, this study sought to identify innovative and promising practices in providing employment and training services to older workers.
Robert A. Applebaum • Phyllis A. Cummins • Suzanne R. Kunkel
In a 16 year tracking of utilization trends for institutional and home and community-based services, we learned that Ohio has made considerable change in its approach to delivering and funding long...
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker
Right Place, Right Time, Right Care: An Evaluation of Ohio's Nursing Home Diversion and Transition
In 2010 the Ohio General Assembly asked the Ohio Department of Aging to develop and implement a nursing home diversion and transition initiative.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Robert A. Applebaum • Elizabeth Carpio
Ohio's Aging Network Efforts to Enhance Nursing Home Diversion and Transition
This brief report provides preliminary results from an evaluation of Ohio's diversion and transition demonstration program.
Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Robert A. Applebaum
A Review of Ohio's Nursing Home Certificate of Need Program: Implications for Practice and Policy
One of the critical questions states like Ohio face as they plan for an aging population involves estimates about the optimum number of nursing homes that will be needed in the future.
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Takashi Yamashita
Nursing Home Use in Ohio: Who Stays, Who Pays?
This research brief follows a cohort of nursing home residents over a three-year period-- beginning with their first ever admission to a nursing home --in order to determine their stay patterns and...
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Ian Matt Nelson
Providing Long-Term Services and Supports to an Aging Ohio: Progress and Challenges
This report details trends in Ohio long-term care service utilization over 14 years.
Malinda Deacon • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh
An Evaluation of the Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program
This research project evaluates the state’s experiences in the implementation of the Ohio Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program.
Kathryn McGrew • Heather L. Menne • Lydia Manning • Hallie Baker • Robert A. Applebaum • J. Johnson • Karl Chow • Valerie Wellin • J. Scott Brown • K. Brown Wilson
Aging and Long-Term Care Issues in Ohio
This summary report focuses on aging and disability in Ohio as well as on utilization and Medicaid costs of long-term care for older Ohioans.
Michael Payne • Jane Straker • Robert A. Applebaum
This report provides information about the elements of case management, intake, and assessment programs that are often specified in current standards or bid specifications.
Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson • Jane Straker • Michael Payne
Evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program: Report on Program Costs
This report is one among four that represents an evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program.
Evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program: Final Summary Report
This study evaluated the performance of Ohio’s Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program during its initial implementation period; it is one report among four.
Valerie Wellin • J. Scott Brown • Keren Brown Wilson • Cary Kart • Robert A. Applebaum • Farida Ejaz • Heather L. Menne
The Changing Face of Long-Term Care: Ohio's Experience 1993-2005
This report details trends in Ohio long-term care service utilization over 12 years.
Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Ian Matt Nelson • Hallie Baker • Robert A. Applebaum
Assessing the Quality of Caregiver Support Services
The project’s primary objective was to design and test an outcome-focused system for quality monitoring of caregiver-support services based largely on input from caregivers themselves.
Kathryn McGrew • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Shawn Davis • Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson
This publication describes the current state of long-term care (LTC) in Ohio as well as projections of the state’s future disability rates and LTC needs.
Robert A. Applebaum • Denise Brothers-McPhail • Jane Straker
Nursing home use in Ohio: Who stays, who pays?
This research brief follows a cohort of nursing home residents over a three-year period-- beginning with their first ever admission to a nursing home --in order to determine their stay patterns and...
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum
An overview of Ohio's In-Home Service Program for Older People (PASSPORT)
This research presents an overview of Ohio's Medicaid waiver program, known as PASSPORT, which serves Ohioans who are 60 years and older, who are chronically disabled, and who meet the eligibi...
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh
How Supplemental Security Income works
How Supplemental Security Works is a brief history and overview of the Supplemental Security Income program (SSI), the U.S. program that was designed as a safety net for elderly, blind, and disable...
Michael Payne • Robert A. Applebaum
Long-term care utilization in Ohio 1993-2003
This research brief examines trends in nursing home care and home care use between the years 1993 and 2003.
Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Robert A. Applebaum
A review of nursing home resident characteristics in Ohio: Tracking changes from 1994-2004
This briefing paper presents the profile of Ohio nursing home residents in both 2004 and 1994, and describes trends over the past decade.
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh
A Guide to Quality in Consumer Directed Services
This guide is designed to provide states and programs involved in consumer-directed services with a practical handbook on ensuring and improving the quality of services.
Barbara Schneider • Robert A. Applebaum • Shawn Davis • Suzanne R. Kunkel
For Love and Money: Paying Family Caregivers
In this paper we discuss the dilemmas, debates, assumptions, and evidence regarding...