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Caregiving Families Home and Community Based Services

If You Ask Them, They Will Support: A National Study of Local Initiatives Developed to Provide Social Care to Older Adults in the Community

Some communities across the nation are utilizing alternative funding sources to better support home and community-based services for older adults.

Caregiving Families Home and Community Based Services

If You Ask Them, They Will Support: A National Study of Local Initiatives Developed to Provide Social Care to Older Adults in the Community

Some communities across the nation are utilizing alternative funding sources to better support home and community-based services for older adults. A variety of methods identified local initiatives across the United States. An online survey was distributed to a total of 377 communities in 15 states identified as using locally raised funds to provide aging services, yielding a 55% response rate. Total funding from programs generated almost 400 million dollars annually with funding ranging from $8,000-$47 million. Commonly provided services with local funds include home-delivered and congregate meals, transportation, and homemaker services with provision varying by the size of the levy initiative. Additionally, six in 10 initiatives reported local funds being used to provide at least one family or friend caregiver service. Locally-funded initiatives fill a gap in long-term services needs for older adults, yet policy concerns regarding potential inequities across states and communities warrant attention.

Journal of Applied Gerontology,

Full Report

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