2024 Landscape of Adult Day Services in Ohio
“We’re a hidden secret, and we won’t want to be hidden anymore.”
2024 Landscape of Adult Day Services in Ohio
“We’re a hidden secret, and we won’t want to be hidden anymore.”
Greene County Council on Aging: 2021 Community Survey Findings
Read the survey results conducted to gain better understanding of the needs and interests of older Greene County residents. The Greene County Council on Aging partnered with the Scripps Gerontology...
Presentation - Choosing Home Care Services
We aim to set up the right home care service for you or your loved one and hope to bring you peace of mind.
Quanhong Cho Qiu
With a Little Help From My Friends and Family: Transportation and Caregiving Hours
This study explored how caregiver transportation assistance and care recipient driving frequency are associated with caregiving hours.
Jonathon M. Vivoda • Jiawei Cao • Athena Koumoutzis
Some communities across the nation are utilizing alternative funding sources to better support home and community-based services for older adults.
Pamela S. Mayberry • Athena Koumoutzis • Robert A. Applebaum • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
Presentation - Sleep & Dementia: Why Sleep Matters and How to Improve It
Among people living with dementia, sleep is important in slowing cognitive decline, preventing injuries, promoting a better mood, reducing negative interpersonal interactions, and helping balance t...
Julia Larimer
Presentation - Our Family Our Way: A New Resource for Caregiving Families
The Scripps Gerontology Center released Our Family, Our Way, a communication and care coordination resource developed to help families think and talk about caregiving.
Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
This study explores the experiences of bereaved lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) older women to understand perspectives regarding advance care planning communication between clinicians, patients, a...
Kate de Medeiros • Leah M. Janssen • Valerie Flores (Valerie Kessler) • Susan Enguidanos
This study implemented an online survey of family members or friends of residents in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) from April 28 to June 19, 2020, using convenience sampling.
Mi Sun Choi • Jane Straker
Marital quality, gender, and later-life depressive symptom trajectories
This study analyzed six waves of data (2006–2016) from the Health and Retirement Study (n = 4,342) to examine how marital quality is associated with depressive symptom trajectories among a gr...
Jennifer Roebuck Bulanda • Takashi Yamashita • J. Scott Brown
Intergenerational ambivalence and loneliness in later life
Previous work has explored the links between intergenerational ambivalence and other indicators of well‐being but has not examined loneliness.
J. Scott Brown • Cassandra L. Hua • Jennifer Roebuck Bulanda
The family experience in long-term care during the COVID-19 visitation restriction
This report provides results from an online survey of families with residents in long-term care settings during the COVID-19 suspension of visiting to facilities.
Mi Sun Choi • Jane Straker
This study investigated the effect of informal caregiving on all-cause mortality across 12 longitudinal population-based studies (seven United States; five international: United Kingdom, Northern I...
Jennifer M. Kinney • J. Scott Brown • Mahdie Rajabi Rostami • Nader Mehri
Driving status and religious service attendance among older Americans
This study investigated the relationship between driving status and religious service attendance among older Americans and how the perceived importance of religion influences the relationship.
Sara J. McLaughlin • Jonathon M. Vivoda • Cathleen M. Connell • Karen M. Brown
This report highlights the development, implementation, and evaluation of a guide designed to facilitate family communication about care and support.
Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Erin Kelly • Nytasia M. Hicks • Kathryn McGrew
Family involvement in the nursing home and perceived resident quality of life
This study focuses on the relationship between family involvement and family perceptions of nursing home residents’ quality of life (QOL).
Karen J. Ishler • Amy Restorick Roberts
The Caregiver Toolbox: Evaluation of a Workshop for Informal Caregivers
This report is an evaluation of a face-to-face group workshop designed for informal caregivers of older adults provided by the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging.
Jane Straker • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
Unpaid Caregivers: Growing Demand and Limited Supply
Several recent studies indicate that the supply of informal caregivers is declining and this change in potential support could have major policy implications.
Shahla Mehdizadeh
This brief describes the pilot implementation and evaluation of OMA For One (OMA41).
Joan Fopma-Loy
Remembering the person in person-centered residential dementia care
Although person-centered care is aimed at tailoring care to the biological, behavioral, biographical, and social needs of an individual, there is often little discussion about exactly who is the pe...
Kate de Medeiros • Jennifer M. Kinney
Generative acts of people with dementia in a long-term care setting
Although generativity is used as a central cultural construct within life course theory to illustrate how older persons create interpersonal ties, it is also tied to key concepts in social exchange...
Kate de Medeiros
Patients with dementia may be unable to describe their symptoms, and caregivers frequently suffer emotional burden that can interfere with judgment of the patient's behavior.
Kate de Medeiros
Childless Elders in Assisted Living: Findings from the Maryland Assisted Living Study
We compared data drawn from a random sample of 399 current assisted living (AL) residents and a subsample of 222 newly admitted residents for two groups: childless AL residents and AL residents wit...
Kate de Medeiros
Assessing the Quality of Caregiver Support Services
The project’s primary objective was to design and test an outcome-focused system for quality monitoring of caregiver-support services based largely on input from caregivers themselves.
Kathryn McGrew • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Shawn Davis • Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson
This report describes the evaluation of the Council on Aging Learning Advantages program; a training program for informal caregivers.
Jane Straker • Dawn Carr • Ian Matt Nelson
Real choices: A caregiver respite strategy for the state of Ohio
The purpose of Real Choices: A Caregiver Respite Strategy For The State of Ohio was to determine the feasibility of restructuring the PASSPORT program to achieve caregiver respite.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Kathryn McGrew • William Ciferri
Reprinted from Journal of Aging Studies, vol. 18, no. 3., C. Wellin & D.J. Jaffe, In Search of "Personal Care": Challenges to Identity Support in Residential Care for Elders with Cogn...
Chris Wellin • Dale J. Jaffe
For Love and Money: Paying Family Caregivers
In this paper we discuss the dilemmas, debates, assumptions, and evidence regarding...