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Long-Term Care Facilities Presentations Families Caregiving Dementia

Presentation - Sleep & Dementia: Why Sleep Matters and How to Improve It

Among people living with dementia, sleep is important in slowing cognitive decline, preventing injuries, promoting a better mood, reducing negative interpersonal interactions, and helping balance the sleep-wake cycle.

Long-Term Care Facilities Presentations Families Caregiving Dementia

Presentation - Sleep & Dementia: Why Sleep Matters and How to Improve It

Among people living with dementia, sleep is important in slowing cognitive decline, preventing injuries, promoting a better mood, reducing negative interpersonal interactions, and helping balance the sleep-wake cycle. Sleep issues affect nearly 7 out of every 10 people living with dementia. This presentation will explore the relationship between sleep and dementia and discuss ways that sleep issues can be identified by professional and family caregivers. It will also examine evidence-based interventions and nonpharmacological approaches to help people living with dementia sleep better through the night. Julia will also share some of her personal story behind becoming an entrepreneur and starting her own business, and how she developed the passion for sleep and dementia.