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Caregiving Long-Term Care Facilities Families

The family experience in long-term care during the COVID-19 visitation restriction

This report provides results from an online survey of families with residents in long-term care settings during the COVID-19 suspension of visiting to facilities.

Caregiving Long-Term Care Facilities Families

The family experience in long-term care during the COVID-19 visitation restriction

This report provides results from an online survey of families with residents in long-term care settings during the COVID-19 suspension of visiting to facilities. Overall, despite the difficult situation, the majority of families had a positive view about the facility where their family or friend resided. Facilities played a critical role in helping families stay in touch; their communication strategies--or lack thereof-- were related to family perceptions about the facility.

Full Report (PDF) (703 KB)

This two-page infographic highlights findings from the full report.

Infographic (PDF) (135 KB)

You can also view a webinar on this study below.

“They’re doing the best that they can”: Results of a Multi-State Survey-Family Perspectives on LTC COVID-19 Visit Restrictions webinar

Here is a tip sheet for communicating with families during the pandemic.

Tip Sheet (PDF) (97 KB)