Notable Neighbors and Tiny Tenants: Bugs in the City
In “Notable Neighbors & Tiny Tenants: Bugs in the City” Miami University graduate student Karyn Light-Gibson catalogs...
Notable Neighbors and Tiny Tenants: Bugs in the City
In “Notable Neighbors & Tiny Tenants: Bugs in the City” Miami University graduate student Karyn Light-Gibson catalogs a variety of the bugs that you can expect to find in your urban neighborhood and sets out to eliminate the false dichotomy we've created between humans and the natural world. Cities are nature, and humans are animals. Learn all about your insect neighbors, with a ton of fun facts and cute illustrations.
Light-Gibson is earning a Master of Arts (MA) in the biological sciences from Miami University through Project Dragonfly’s Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) while working as an educator and artist. As an AIP student, Light-Gibson takes web-based Miami courses and explores the Denver Zoo and natural areas around Colorado. Light-Gibson connects many of her master’s assignments into her work as an educator and artist.