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Grieving with, healing through, nature

Global Field Program (GFP) graduate student Chau Nguyen of Pomona Valley, California, wrote...

Grieving with, healing through, nature

Chau Nguyen
Global Field Program (GFP) graduate student Chau Nguyen of Pomona Valley, California, wrote for "The Mindfulness Bell," a journal of the art of mindful living. She shares about her Earth Expeditions Thailand course—studying in the forest of Khao Yai National Park with her classmates while connecting to her grief of losing her father. "When my turn came to speak, I felt strong emotions of grief about my dad’s passing and asked to sit outside with my partner, Kim," said Nguyen. "A pair of hornbills flew and perched on the tree. Kim said, 'The hornbill is a sign from your dad!' I connected with the possibility that my dad sent the hornbill to listen to my grief pour out."

Nguyen is earning a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Biology from Miami through Project Dragonfly‘s GFP while working as teacher.