AIP graduate writes book for navigating sustainability
Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) graduate Jessica Ullyott '21 of San Diego, California, has been enjoying multiple book signings since publishing her book, Intentional - A Holistic Approach to Building and Maintaining a Sustainable Lifestyle.
AIP graduate writes book for navigating sustainability
Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) graduate Jessica Ullyott '21 of San Diego, California, has been enjoying multiple book signings since publishing her book, Intentional - A Holistic Approach to Building and Maintaining a Sustainable Lifestyle. The book and its companion workbook are based on the work she did during and after her master's degree studies and help guide readers through simple strategies in recycling, composting, gardening, waste reduction and more.
As a student in Miami's biology department, Ullyott earned a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in the Biological Sciences through Project Dragonfly's AIP.