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Encouraging coexistence, mutual respect in La Jolla Cove

Global Field Program (GFP) graduate student Sharyn Umaña-Angers of Montreal, Canada, published an article on Sevenseas Media.

Encouraging coexistence, mutual respect in La Jolla Cove

Sharyn Umaña-Angers

Global Field Program (GFP) graduate student Sharyn Umaña-Angers of Montreal, Canada, published an article on Sevenseas Media. In "Ethical Wildlife Viewing: Enjoying Wildlife Travel Experiences the Right Way" Umaña-Angers asks us to respect wildlife and view wildlife responsibly. "Crowding, touching, feeding, chasing, and taunting" wildlife can have dire consequences. "Ultimately, it is a choice that the public, as a whole, must make as we continue to travel the globe seeking more authentic connections with nature in a sustainable way," she writes.

As a student in Miami's biology department, Umaña-Angers is earning a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Biology through Project Dragonfly's GFP while working as an assistant expedition leader for National Geographic Lindblad Expeditions.