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Join the Bee Quest

It is important to learn about and conserve bees and other pollinators. Without pollinators, many flowering plants could not reproduce and at least one-third of our food plants, from tomatoes and squash to apples and almonds, depend on the services of a pollinator. Join us on this amazing journey as we learn more about pollinators and the issues they are facing.

Welcome to the Bee Quest!

Bee Quest is a free interactive learning module designed by Project Dragonfly at Miami University. The goal is to help people learn more about bees and pollination. The modules can be completed in about an hour or two. You do not have to finish it in one sitting. You can start and come back later.

Things you will learn about in the Bee Quest:

  • The major families of bees across the world
  • Nesting behaviors of bees
  • Anatomy of bees
  • How to identify bees 

The learning modules as a video game narrative to make the content more fun and engaging. Feel free to share it with friends, students, and anyone excited about pollinators.

How to get started with the Bee Quest

1) Start in the course here

  • You can find a accessible version of the course here.

2) Clicking on the above link will open the Bee Quest. No log-in or account creation is required. As long as you leave the tab open, your progress will be saved and you can return to complete the modules at any time.

Why was Bee Quest created?

Bee Quest originally was created as an add-on to a Spring term graduate course taught by Dr. Kevin Matteson entitled Pollinator Biology and Conservation. It was then extended to be a standalone learning opportunity for anyone interested in bees and other pollinators. 

The main character of this course is "Ava Tar", an individual that wants to help bees but is not sure how to do so. Ava Tar enrolls in a university course and begins to explore pollinators around their home. The story is designed to make learning more fun and approachable. 


Kevin Matteson Bee Anatomy Bee Quest Ava Tar

Pollinator Biologist Dr. Kevin Matteson hosts your experience through the Bee Quest where you will learn about bees and pollination through interactive media and follow the story of main character Ava Tar.

Contact Project Dragonfly

111 Upham Hall
Oxford, Ohio
Est. 1994