Contact Us
102 Hall Auditorium
101 S. Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056
Each season the Performing Arts Series brings world-renowned artists directly to Talawanda schools, Miami students, Oxford, and the surrounding communities. In order to provide valuable educational content such as workshops, master classes, coffee houses, and discussions at no extra cost to the participants, we use funds raised through individual donations, sponsorships and proceeds from our annual Wine Tasting Gala. We are proud to offer these unique, free, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for the community and we could not provide these valuable services to our campus and community without your support.
There are myriad ways that Miami students and faculty and members of the Oxford community can help support the Performing Arts Series, including our VIP Donors program.
Platinum Benefactor, $10,000+
Gold Benefactor, $5,000-$9,999
Sterling Benefactor, $1,000-$4,999
Benefactor Patron, $500-$999
Sponsor Patron, $250-$499
Sustaining Patron, $100-$249
The arts are a critical element to understanding, appreciating and enhancing life. The Performing Arts Series offers a venue in which to experience the arts. As our community seeks to understand itself and others, the Performing Arts Series seeks to provide both a window through which to view ideas, cultures, art forms, as well as to provide a mirror in order to reflect upon ourselves, our history, our own culture. As a service provided by Miami University, the Performing Arts Series will play an important role in developing and educating new audiences for the present and for the future.
The Performing Arts Series needs to build gateways welcoming the uninitiated to the existing fine arts programming. By demolishing barriers of ignorance, inaccessibility and apathy, and by constructing activities and programs that create an exciting and inviting atmosphere around our performances, we can fulfill our goal of increasing involvement in the traditional fine arts programming PAS has always presented.
But the Performing Arts Series shall also take another step. By broadening the scope of what defines our programming, we automatically broaden our audience. By reflecting the culture as it exists today in addition to our traditional presenting, we become more relevant and more accessible to those we must seek to serve—Miami University students, the Oxford community and the region. This can be accomplished through meaningful and effective collaborations with other people and programs as well as our own initiatives.
102 Hall Auditorium
101 S. Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056
The Miller Center for Student Disability Services can assist in coordinating accommodations for university sponsored events. To request accommodations (i.e., sign language interpreters, captioning, materials in alternative format, etc.), please contact the Miller Center at (513) 529-1541, 7-1-1 (TTY-TDD), at least 2 business days prior to the event to ensure the smooth delivery of services.