It is sometimes difficult to choose one word over the other when they look very similar while differing by a few letters and belong to the same part of speech. It is important to remember that such words may have different meanings. For example, "discriminating" and "discriminatory" are both adjectives and look quite similar, but "discriminating" may be considered positive, whereas "discriminatory" is negative because it expresses prejudice.
Study the following:
Mary and John are not prejudiced against restaurants. They are able to judge their good quality.
John is not a boring guy but is funny because his jokes make people laugh. However, he is bored because the game is not interesting.
It is incorrect to use the noun "acquisition" instead of the verb "acquire."
Correct the following:
Some examples are adapted with modifications from:
Bruce, S., & Rafoth, B. A. (2009). ESL Writers: A guide for writing center tutors. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
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