Finance and Business Services Marketing
Address: Demske Support Center
426 Wells Mill Drive Oxford, OH 45056
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Do you offer design and marketing solutions?
FBS marketing provides a full suite of marketing support for FBS clients, from initial strategy, design, and final implementation. We also offer on-campus services to the greater Miami University community. This includes an on-campus print shop (no design work), digital advertising on campus displays, and assistance with name tags, plaques and awards.
How do I request a digital ad?
Call us anytime during our business hours and we'll be sure to meet your advertisement needs. Also refer to our Digital Advertisement page to view our guidelines and to access our templates.
How do I submit a printing request?
Visit our Printing Services page! You can choose between our printing request form and sandwich board request form or contact
How do I submit a name tag request?
Please refer to our Name Tags page and select name tag request form. If you have an urgent need please contact Bridget Maney
How do I submit a request for a plaque, award, or trophy?
Contact one of our vendors on our Plaques and Awards page!
Address: Demske Support Center
426 Wells Mill Drive Oxford, OH 45056
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Finance and Business Services Marketing at Miami University offers a comprehensive solution for on-campus digital advertisement needs along with a print center to provide departments with a diverse range of marketing collateral.