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Job Classification Department Task Description Frequency and Exposure Exposure Potential (High, Moderate, Remote) Reasonably Anticipated Exposure Potential Elegible for Pre-Exposure HBvac Program
Physicians, Nurses, Lab Technicians Student Health Center Phlebotomy, injections, surgical treatments of wounds   Daily: sharps, uncontrolled release from patient High Yes Yes
Police Officers, EMTs Public Safety First responder, emergency medical treatment Daily: sharps, uncontrolled release from victim High Yes Yes
Athletic Trainers Intercollegiate Athletics Providing first aid to injured persons Weekly Moderate Yes No (see Note)
Lifeguards Recreational Sports Providing first aid to injured persons Performing CPR, uncontrolled release from victim Moderate Yes No (see Note)
Nursing Department Faculty Nursing Patient care in hospital setting, Phlebotomy, injections, surgical treatment of wounds Daily: sharps, uncontrolled release from patient High Yes Yes
Facility Manager   Recreational Sports Providing first aid to injured persons Weekly Moderate Yes No (see Note)
Travel Coordinator Outdoor Pursuit Center Providing first aid to injured persons Weekly Moderate Yes No (see Note)
Recycling Center Staff Physical Facilities Sorting trash, unknown sharps Daily: Sharps High Yes Yes
Building Service Workers, Building Repair Workers Housing, Dining, and Guest Services; Physical Facilities Blood/body fluid clean-up Annually: extremely small amounts Remote No No (see Note)
Equipment Maintenance Goggin Ice Arena, Intercollegiate Athletics Decontaminate sports equipment Weekly: extremely small amounts Remote No No (see Note)
Child Studies Lab Supervisor Child Studies Lab Providing first aid to injured persons Monthly Moderate Yes No (see Note)
Speech and Hearing faculty and students Speech Pathology and Audiology Patient contact Weekly Moderate Yes No (see Note)
Designated First Aider Goggin Ice Arena, Outdoor Pursuit Center Providing first aid to injured persons Monthly Moderate Yes No (see Note)
Laboratory research technician Chemistry/Biochemistry Working with human feces/blood samples Weekly Moderate Yes Yes
Research Assistant Kinesiology Preparing serum samples for analysis Daily High Yes Yes

Note: Individuals whose only exposure is in rendering first aid as a collateral duty may be offered the Hepatitis B vaccination series in conjunction with post-exposure protocol (Ref. May 8, 1996, regulatory interpretation by Joseph Dear). Departments are encouraged to offer pre-exposure vaccinations in conjunction with BBP training.