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Please Note

Every semester we offer a diverse range of classes and Special Events that await your exploration. As you embark on your journey of knowledge and discovery, please be aware of the situations that may arise.


ILR events/classes involving walking/hiking/exercise may be strenuous for some.

Please use discretion when registering.
outline of head with cog wheel inside

The opinions and advice given in ILR classes are not necessarily those of the Institute for Learning in Retirement or Miami University.

While healthy debate is welcomed, instructors and students offering opinions differing from yours are to be respected. Anyone disrupting a class will be removed.

magnifying glass

Seek additional professional guidance before accepting any diet, exercise, medical, or financial advice.

The Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR)

The Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) at Miami University provides opportunities to explore, develop, and share knowledge and skills in a wide variety of topics. Courses taught by volunteer instructors, complemented by a variety of special events, enable participants to broaden their horizons and engage with other lifelong learners.

Front entrance of MacMillan Hall

Contact Us

106 MacMillan Hall
531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056