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Sick Leave

Sick leave can be used because of illness, injury, FMLA, health care appointments, and death of an immediate family member.

It is important for employees to have access to sick leave in order to take care of their own health and well-being, as well as the health of their loved ones. Sick leave can provide the necessary time off to recover from illness or injury, attend medical appointments, or care for a family member who is ill.

This benefit allows employees to prioritize their health and the health of their family without having to worry about losing income or facing negative consequences at work.

Request Leave of Absence

Login to Workday to request a Leave of Absence. Click on your profile and follow the instructions below:

  1. Select Actions
  2. Select Request Absence
  3. In Absence Calendar if your absence will be for a long period of time it's easiest to use the "Select Date Range" button on the top left of the screen and for example, you might input "From" 7/24/2024 "To" 1/24/2025. For shorter periods of time select the dates in the calendar and click on "Request Absence".
  4. Select Absence Type, then Time Off
  5. Select Sick

Earning Sick Leave

Each full-time unclassified administrative or instructional staff member earns 15 days of sick leave per contract year.

Unclassified and Faculty Staff Policy

All Supervisor, Administrative, and Technical Support Staff (SATSS) and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) staff earn sick leave at a rate of 4.6 hours for every 80-hour pay period for which pay is received.

Classified-SATSS and AFSCME Staff Policy

Transferring Sick Leave from Previous Public Employment in Ohio

Individuals with prior Ohio Public Service may be eligible to transfer unused sick leave to Miami University. Classified and unclassified staff should complete the Request to Transfer Ohio Public Service.

If you have any questions, contact Human Resources at 513-529-3131 or, if in an academic administrative position or faculty, contact Academic Personnel Services at 513-529-6724.

Our Mission

Working alongside the various departments and units within Miami University, we strive to recruit, cultivate, acknowledge, and involve a diverse pool of talent to fulfill their goals and the overarching goals of the institution.