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Leaving the University

There are many reasons one may leave employment at Miami. It is the goal of Human Resources to make the transition from Miami as smooth and stress-free as possible.


The decision to retire is one of the biggest made in a lifetime. The timing may rely on age, years of service, and the plan from which you are retiring. Read more about the steps to take to retire on Planning to Retire.


  • Begin the process by completing the voluntary resignation notice.
  • Once notice is received in Human Resources, you will receive the following information:
  • Return any university property to your supervisor (including your Miami ID and parking tag) on or before your last day worked.

Vacation, Comp Time, and Sick Leave Payout

Unused sick leave is not paid out unless retiring.

If you are hired within 10 years of leaving Miami into a position of public employment with the State of Ohio, you may request transfer of your unused sick leave.

  1. Contact your new employer's human resources department to make the request.
  2. Your new employer must contact Miami's Human Resources, or fax to 513-529-4223, to request the transfer.

Exit Interview

You are invited to schedule an in-person exit interview with a Human Resources staff member to address any employment questions or concerns you may have regarding your employment at Miami. Contact information will be found in the confirmation email received after completing the resignation notice.

Reductions in Force (Layoffs)

When necessary, the University shall determine the classifications in which the reductions in force will occur and the number of employees to be laid off within each classification.

Your University Benefits

University benefits are effective through the end of the month in which your last day of employment falls. These include medical, dental, vision insurance, life insurance, flexible spending accounts, and tuition fee waiver.

Life Insurance

You may continue your Miami-provided or voluntary life insurance coverage through conversion or portability. Information will be sent after Benefits is notified of your termination.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Funds remaining in your medical FSA or dependent care FSA at termination may only be used for expenses incurred before your termination date, and reimbursement must be requested within 90 days of your termination date. Please contact Chard Snyder at 1-800-9782-7715 or visit their FSA web page for details.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Funds remaining in your HSA at termination are yours to use on future eligible medical expenses. Please contact Chard Snyder at 1-800-9782-7715 or visit their HSA web page for details.

Tuition Fee Waiver

Eligibility for the tuition fee waiver will terminate at the end of the term in which you are enrolled in classes, as long as you are employed for at least 3 weeks of the current term.