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Student Job Classification

All student employees must be paid on an hourly basis, within the 3-level pay range for that particular classification regardless if the money is coming from a departmental account, Federal Work-Study Program, or a departmental or outside grant. Resident Assistants are the only approved salary student positions. Other salaried positions must be submitted to Student Employment for approval.

Student Employees

Student employees may receive pay increments determined by the department.  Students are eligible for one-half the amount awarded for classified employees for the completion of a semester of work not more than twice within the calendar year.  For example if the classified increase is 2%, the student would be eligible for a 1% increment for both semesters. For eligibility it is recommended that the student will have worked at least 75% of the semester.  (Students may only receive increases during years where increases are awarded to staff unless authorized by the VP for Administration and Finance).

Student Pay Zones and Job Descriptions

Hiring Wage Schedule
Job Title Minimum Hiring Range Mid Hiring Range Maximum Hiring Range
Student Assistant $11.30 $11.80 $12.30
Student Associate $11.45 $11.95 $12.45
Student Specialist $11.60 $12.10 $12.60
Master 1 Undergrad $12.00 $12.75 $13.50
Master 2 Undergrad $12.50 $13.25 $14.00
Master 1 Grad $13.50 $14.25 $15.00
Master 2 Grad $14.00 $14.75 $15.50

Students must be paid according to their job duties. Managers will reference the job classification descriptions to determine which of the following pay classification the job duties fall under.

Student Assistant

  • Work assignments are completed under close supervision.
  • Procedures are well established.
  • Employees typically follow well-defined policies and procedures.
  • Minimal training or prior knowledge of work is required.

Student Associate

  • Work assignments require limited direction and supervision.
  • Experience or specialized knowledge in the area required.
  • Ability to provide training or tutorial consultation for employees or students.
  • Assist faculty in planning or producing instructional materials.
  • Work directly with management in technical tasks.

Student Specialist

  • Work assignments require advanced knowledge, skills, or abilities.
  • Some independent judgment or initiative.
  • A considerable knowledge of the work process as obtained through on-the-job training.
  • May involve supervisory responsibilities for an activity of limited scope.
  • May require a significant amount of physical exertion, adverse hour, or working conditions.

Student Master 1 Undergrad

  • Work performed is highly complex and requires extensive training (either coursework or in-house departmental training).
  • Work is done independently of supervision.
  • For Academic and Administrative Assistance settings, the student must:
    • Engage in web authoring, JAVA, SQL, Basic C++, and create databases using various software packages.
    • Provide support for divisional/departmental services.
    • Provide supervisory functions including, but not limited to, scheduling, determining training needs, preparing training materials, and conducting training sessions.
    • Demonstrate evidence of advanced technical and customer support leadership, skills in mentoring, training, expert management, and intermediate business.
  • For University Police setting, the student must:
    • Serve as public safety dispatcher, emergency response coordinator, and handle confidential information.

Please note: To pay the Student Master 1 Undergrad classification, it must be pre-approved through Student Employment prior to the student working.

Student Master 2 Undergrad

  • Work performed at this level is done independently of supervision.
  • Requires the highest level of artistic, technical, or scientific expertise.
  • Provide supervision to student employees at the Student Master 1 Undergrad level.
  • For Academic and Administrative Assistance settings, the student must:
    • Perform complex research activities in the scientific field; students engaged in such activity may be responsible for completion of project assigned with no supervision of administrative staff. They may also serve as a group leader in research activities.
  • For Technical settings, the student must:
    • Possess advanced computer knowledge and customer support knowledge in advanced client/server programming, relational databases, Novell, C++, TCP/IP, SQL, JAVA, Visual Basic.
    • Demonstrate evidence of advanced technical and software skills, leadership, skills in mentoring, training, expert management, and business skills.
    • Maintain professional environment for fellow employees and clients.
    • Approve supervisory functions, provide expert leadership, and approve schedules.
    • Ability to work unsupervised.

Please note: To pay the Student Master 2 Undergrad classification, it must be pre-approved through Student Employment prior to the student working. 

Student Master 1 Grad and Student Master 2 Grad

A graduate student can be paid at the Student Master Grad 1 or 2 levels, provided that the skill and complexity of the job are equivalent to a Graduate Assistant/Teaching Associate (e.g., researcher). Prior approval from Student Employment is not necessary to pay at this level.

Graduate students with an assistantship and Teaching Associates need to obtain permission from the Graduate School to work in addition to their teaching/assistantship.

At-Will Employment and Terminations

Student employment at Miami University is terminable at the will of either the student or the University. The student may quit at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. However, students should be aware that quitting without giving their supervisor at least two weeks' notice (not counting finals week) may result in the supervisor refusing to provide the student with an employment recommendation.

The University may discharge a student employee at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. No representative of Miami University has any authority to make any contrary promise, unless in writing and signed by the President. When a student is no longer working in a position, for whatever reason, their job must be closed/ended via PageUp (directions within the Resources tab).

If you feel you have been asked to work more than the maximum allowable hours per week or discharged unfairly, you may address your concerns to Rebecca Denney, Director of Employment and Recruitment Services.

Our Mission

Working alongside the various departments and units within Miami University, we strive to recruit, cultivate, acknowledge, and involve a diverse pool of talent to fulfill their goals and the overarching goals of the institution.