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Job Postings and Interviewing

When hiring a student the first step is posting a job vacancy.

Job Postings and Interviewing

When hiring a student the first step is posting a job vacancy through PageUp. Reference the hiring wage schedule and job classification descriptions for students who are getting a job on campus to determine which of the pay classifications the job duties fall under.

All vacancies must be posted (regardless if the position is a one time or recurring job). There are two ways to post job vacancies:

  1. Internal (only students sent a link will be able to view the posting)
  2. External (posted on PageUp for any student to apply)

Student Eligibility

A student's eligibility to work varies based on a number of factors, including whether they have a family member employed at Miami already. See Eligibility and Employing Family Members.

Interviewing Student Applicants

Interviewing Student Applicants

The interview format can be one-on-one or by a panel of people. Most questions asked are open-ended so that the interviewee can relate their experiences to the needs of the position as well as their experience, skills, knowledge, and goals. As an interviewer, you should provide information about the department to the student.

Even the most experienced interviewer can find themselves asking potentially inappropriate questions in an interview. The Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity has approved the table below (based on source information from the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, Questioning Applicants for Employment, and Miami University Policy and Information Manual, Sections 3.3 and 3.4) to provide examples of questions that are you are permitted to and prohibited from discussing during an interview. If you ask a permitted question of one candidate, you must ask it of all interviewed candidates.

Permitted/Prohibited Questions for Candidates
Topic Area Permitted Prohibited
Name Name Inquiry into any title which indicates race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, age, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status or veteran status.
Address Inquiry into place and length at current address Inquiry into any foreign addresses which indicate national origin.
Age Faculty/Staff: None A. Requiring birth certificate or baptismal record before hiring.

B. Any inquiry which may reveal the date of high school graduation.

C. Any other inquiry which may reveal an applicant's age
Birthplace, National Origin, or Ancestry None A. Any inquiry into place of birth.

B. Any inquiry into place of birth of parents, grandparents or spouse.

C. Any other inquiry into national origin or ancestry.
Race or Color None Any inquiry which would indicate race or color.
Gender, Sexual Orientation, or Gender Identity None A. Any inquiry which would indicate gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.

B. Any inquiry made of members of one gender, but not the other.
Height and Weight Inquires as to ability to perform actual job requirements. Being a certain height or weight will not be considered to be a job requirement unless the employer can show that no employee with the ineligible height or weight could do the work.
Religion or Creed None A. Any inquiry which would indicate or identify religious denomination or custom.

B. Applicant may not be told nay religious identity or preference of the employer.

C. Request pastor's recommendation or reference.
Citizenship A. Are you currently authorized to work in the United States for any employer? Yes/No

If "yes" are you currently one of the following: a U.S. citizen or national; an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; a refugee; or, an individual granted asylum? Yes/No

B. Are you authorized to work in the United States on a full-time and indefinite basis? May be asked only if asked of all applicants.
A. Inquiry into citizenship

B. Inquiry into visa status

C. Whether parents or spouse are native born or naturalized.
Disability Inquires necessary to determine applicant's ability to perform essential functions of job with or without reasonable accommodations A. Any inquiry into past or current medical conditions.

B. Any inquiry into Worker's Compensation or similar claims.

C. Any inquiry that would indicate an applicant's specific or type of disability.
Photograph May be required after hiring for identification. Require photograph before hiring.
Personal None Inquiry or discussion about marital status, number and age of children, pregnancy, child care arrangements.
Arrest and Convictions Inquiries into convictions of specific felonies related to qualifications for the job applied for. Any inquiry which would reveal arrests without convictions or convictions unrelated to job duties.
Education A. Inquiry into nature and extent of academic, professional or vocational training.

B. Inquiry into language skills, such as reading and writing of foreign languages, if job related.
A. Any inquiry which would reveal the nationality or religious affiliation of a school.

B. Inquiry as to what native language is or how foreign language ability was acquired.
Relatives Inquiry into name, relationship and address of person to be notified in case of emergency. Any inquiry about a relative which would be unlawful if made about the applicant.
Organizations Inquiry into membership in professional organizations and offices held, excluding any organization, the name or character of which indicates the race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability age gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy status, military status, veteran status, or ancestry of its members. Inquiry into every club organization where membership is held.
Military Service Require military discharge certificate after being hired. A. Inquiry into military service in armed service

B. Request military service awards.

C. Inquiry into type of discharge
Work Schedule Inquiry into willingness or ability to work required work schedule. Any inquiry into willingness or ability to work any particular religious holidays.
Miscellaneous Any questions required to reveal qualifications for the job applied for. Any non-job related inquiry which may elicit or attempts to elicit any information concerning race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy status, military status, veteran status, or ancestry of applicant.
References General personal and work references which do not reveal the race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, age or ancestry of the applicant. Request references specifically from clergy or any other persons who might reflect race, color, religion, gender identity, pregnancy status, military status, veteran status, or ancestry of applicant.

Our Mission

Working alongside the various departments and units within Miami University, we strive to recruit, cultivate, acknowledge, and involve a diverse pool of talent to fulfill their goals and the overarching goals of the institution.