Fraternity Chapters
Alpha Chi Rho
Category | Alpha Chi Rho |
Address | 224 E. Church St. |
National Founding | June 4, 1895, at Trinity College |
Chapter Founding | December 1, 2018 |
Colors | Garnet and White |
National Philanthropy | Challenge the World Program - Habitat for Humanity, Feed the Children, American Cancer Society, Autism Society of America, and Children’s Wish Foundation |
Open Motto | ΑΝΔΡΙΖΕΣΘΕ – “Be Men” |
Average GPA | 3.2 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 46 |
President |
Jake Muencz, |
Recruitment Chair |
Zach Johnson, |
Advisor |
Mickey Callender, |
Social Media |
About Us
Locally founded in December of 2018, our chapter is the newest fraternity on Miami’s campus. Our founders established our chapter with the vision and belief that Greek Life could be something more, something that truly enriched lives, embraced brotherhood, and cultivated an environment in which all members were valued. We pride ourselves in our high standards of membership, our commitment to our chapter’s core values, and our role in the betterment of all Greek life at Miami. Although we are a rapidly growing chapter, we never sacrifice quality for quantity, thus ensuring that each member we add is truly a Man of Wood and Deed who will help uphold our values and improve this brotherhood. Our relatively small size gives ample opportunity for leadership and contribution regardless of age and allows every brother to know each other extremely well, creating true brotherhood with strong, life-long bonds that will last long after college has ended. Our values are the cornerstone of our chapter and although we house a diverse range of individuals, we are united by our belief in integrity, initiative, loyalty, accountability, and respect, the five values that we as a chapter unanimously agreed to represent and uphold. Every semester we grow and improve and last semester we acquired a newly renovated house, hosted many social events, improved our GPA to be in the top three fraternity GPAs on campus, and ran our first major charity event.
Alpha Delta Phi
Category | Alpha Delta Phi |
Address | 22 South Campus Avenue |
National Founding | Hamilton College, October 29, 1832 |
Chapter Founding | 1833 |
Colors | Emerald and Pearl |
National Philanthropy | The Backpacks Foundation |
Open Motto | Manus Multae Cor Unum "Many Hands, One Heart" |
Nickname | Alpha Delt |
Average GPA | 3.06 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 88 |
President | Carson Huber, |
Recruitment Chair | Will Carmosino, |
Advisor | Stefan Davis, |
Social Media |
About Us
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Category | Alpha Epsilon Pi |
Address | 301 E. Sycamore St. |
National Founding | New York University, November 7, 1913 |
Chapter Founding | 1964 |
Colors | Blue and Gold |
National Philanthropy | AEPi Foundation |
Open Motto | “Developing Leadership for the Jewish Community” |
Average GPA | 3.31 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.85 |
Membership | 21 |
President | Aaron Mallinger, |
Recruitment Chair | Kai Stensland, |
Advisor | |
Social Media |
About Us
Alpha Epsilon Pi - Alpha Tau is the Miami University Chapter of the AEPi Fraternity. AEPi is a historically Jewish fraternity and we hold those values very close, though we have brothers of many different backgrounds. Founded in 1964, Alpha Tau has become a great addition to Alpha Epsilon Pi and an even greater addition to the lives of all its members. Some of the activities that we partake in include social events, philanthropic and charity ventures, food nights, organized sports, road trips, and many other activities at the discretion of the brotherhood. We are a great group of guys who truly embody the brotherhood that this fraternity provides.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Category | Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. |
Address | 2026 Armstrong Student Center |
National Founding | Cornell University, December 4, 1906 |
Chapter Founding | March 9, 1953 |
Colors | Old Gold and Black |
Open Motto | “First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All” |
Average GPA | 2.95 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.5 |
Membership | 7 |
President | Mario Huff, |
Recruitment Chair | Mario Huff, |
Advisor | Tramell Harper, |
Social Media |
About Us
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African American men, was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York by seven college aged men who recognized the need for a strong bond of brotherhood among African descendants in this country. Since its founding on December 4, 1906, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has supplied voice and vision to the struggle of African Americans and people of color around the world.
On Monday, March 9, 1953, nine great men chartered the FIRST African American student organization and fraternity at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. During a time of segregation that involved great racial and social discrimination these dedicated individuals made history. Since the charter date 66 years ago, The Delta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. has successfully carried out the AIMS, Mission Statement, and Motto of the fraternity. A chapter that prides itself on service, leadership, and community involvement, we hold numerous events throughout the year including the Black & Gold Scholarship Pageant, and the Black & Gold Extravaganza, the longest running formal event at Miami University. Feel free to reach out to any member at any time and keep up with us on social media @dualphas1953.
Alpha Psi Lambda National, Inc.
Category | Alpha Psi Lambda National, Inc. |
Address | 2026 Armstrong Student Center |
National Founding | 1985, Ohio State University |
Chapter Founding | March 2021 |
Colors | Gold and White |
National Philanthropy | Boys and Girls Clubs of America |
Open Motto | "Together We Shall Seek the Noblest" |
Average GPA | 3.42 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.5 |
Membership | 13 |
President |
Oscar Campos-Ortiz, |
Recruitment Chair |
Avery Diaz, |
Advisor |
Mayra Sidler Guzman, |
Social Media |
About Us
Alpha Sigma Phi
Category | Alpha Sigma Phi |
Address | 219 E. Church St. |
National Founding | Yale 1845 |
Chapter Founding | 2005 |
Colors | Cardinal Red and Stone Gray |
National Philanthropy | Homes for our Troops |
Open Motto | The cause is Hidden, the results well known |
Average GPA | 3.15 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 111 |
President |
Kyle Fulton, |
Recruitment Chair |
Graham Parsons, |
Advisor |
Andrew Zody, |
Social Media |
About Us
Alpha Sigma Phi, commonly known as Alpha Sig, was founded at Yale in 1845. It is the 10th oldest Greek Letter Organization in the world. We are an organization based on mutual respect, trust, and honesty where an environment of acceptance, inclusion, diversity, and brotherly love exists within the walls of our Fraternity. Founded here at Miami University in 2005, we are focused on appealing to a broader base of undergraduate men, thereby competing directly with other activities and organizations. By so doing, we hope to attract the very best and brightest undergraduate men.
Beta Theta Pi
Category | Beta Theta Pi |
Address | 200 E. High Street |
National Founding | Miami University, August 8, 1839 |
Colors | Delicate Shades of Pink and Blue |
National Philanthropy | The Dragonfly Foundation |
Open Motto | “Developing Men of Principle for a Principled Life” |
Average GPA | 3.61 |
GPA Required to Join | 3.0 |
Membership | 116 |
President | Stevie Hauer, |
Recruitment Chair | Jacob Spaulding, |
Advisor | Eric Buller, |
Social Media |
About Us
In collaboration with Miami’s Interfraternity Council, Beta Theta Pi’s Alpha Chapter has been rechartering over the last two years. The Fraternity recruits based on a three step process which includes an initial meeting, written application and agreement to the Honor Code. During the colonization period, the Fraternity recruits those who excel on campus as gentlemen, leaders and scholars while building a genuine fraternity experience that will last for generations. The chapter is committed to the pursuit of intellectual and professional growth while balancing their knowledge and understanding about the values and core principles of Beta Theta Pi, which include mutual assistance, intellectual growth, trust, responsible conduct and integrity. Known for its award-winning Men of Principle initiative, Beta Theta Pi ranks among the top 10 fraternities in North America for number of chapters, undergraduate members, and living alumni.
Chi Psi
Category | Chi Psi |
Address | 307 N. Bishop St./ "The Lodge" |
Local Founding | May 20, 1841 |
Chapter Founding | August 6, 2005 |
Colors | Purple and Gold |
Local Philanthropy | TOPPS and St. Jude |
Open Motto | ”A Family of Gentlemen in Pursuit of Excellence” |
Average GPA | 3.25 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 85 |
President | Gabe Hine, |
Recruitment Chair | Brian Eckart, |
Advisor | Jay Richardson, |
Social Media |
About Us
Chi Psi is committed to providing a valuable experience to each brother’s life from the time they start in their Freshman year until they graduate 3+ years later. Through our philanthropies Stuff the Bus and Basketbrawl, along with various retreats and brotherhood events, Chi Psi strives to provide an experience that will be beneficial to the overall growth of the individual. Primarily focused on the growth of the individual in a social environment, member of Chi Psi are committed to becoming “True Gentlemen”. Values associated with this include academic achievement, intellectual growth, self-control, and displaying dignity and maturity throughout the college process and in life.
Delta Chi
Category | Delta Chi |
Address | 131 E. Withrow St. |
National Founding | Cornell University, October 13, 1890 |
Chapter Founding | 1932 |
Colors | Red and Buff |
National Philanthropy | The V Foundation for Cancer Research |
Open Motto | “Leges” |
Nickname | DChi |
Average GPA | 3.35 |
GPA Required to Join | 3 |
Membership | 148 |
President | Patrick Cengia, |
Recruitment Chairs | Alec Rahlfs, |
Advisor | Suraj Maraboyina, | Michael Parker, |
Social Media |
About Us
The Delta Chi Miami Chapter is a brotherhood of 89 active and involved men. We are a group who prides themselves on constantly pushing one another to become better men. With a focus on brotherhood and continuing to build our strong reputation within the Oxford Community and Miami University, the men of Delta Chi aim for excellence. We strive to be the best at nurturing men who aspire and practice leadership in their community within a house of brothers with similar goals. The brothers' hard work hasn't gone unrecognized, as we were Miami University's Chapter of the Year for the last three years, as well as a winner of Delta Chi's President's Cup, given to the top chapters internationally. With a standard of collaboration and recruiting the best, we invite you to learn more about our chapter. We look forward to recruiting a class of men who value friendship, character, justice, and education.
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Category | Delta Kappa Epsilon |
Address | 325 E. Sycamore St. |
National Founding | Yale, June 22, 1844 |
Chapter Founding | 1852 |
Colors | Gules, Azure, and Or |
Open Motto | “Friends from the Heart Forever” |
Nickname | Deke |
Average GPA | 3.29 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 84 |
President | Tyler Bocian, |
Recruitment Chair | Owen Southworth, |
Advisor | Steven Elliott, |
Social Media |
About Us
The Kappa chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon was founded at Miami University in 1852. We continuously strive for excellence in all aspects and have been rapidly expanding and improving. During the 2016 DKE international conference, our chapter was awarded 2nd place in leadership among all DKE chapter nationwide. The men of Delta Kappa Epsilon are devoted to the advancement of brotherhood and the development of what it truly means to be a gentleman. We pride ourselves in campus involvement through participation in local philanthropy events, intramural sports, various clubs, and extracurriculars around campus. As we continue to grow and improve, we are seeking individuals who are committed to making an impact not only within the chapter but on campus as well.
Delta Sigma Phi
Category | Delta Sigma Phi Response |
Address | 220 Talawanda Road |
National Founding | December 10, 1899, City College of New York |
Local Founding | 2010 |
Colors | Nile Green and Carnation White |
National Philanthropy | American Red Cross |
Open Motto | "Better Men. Better Lives." |
Nickname | Delta Sig |
GPA | 3.14 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 107 |
President | Sam Hancock, |
Recruitment Chair | Malachi Armstrong,, and Julian Kenkel, |
Advisor | |
Social Media |
About Us
Delta Sigma Phi is a brotherhood that fosters growth as influential leaders, citizens, professionals and men. The bonds made between our brothers and the devotion we have towards Delta Sigma Phi lasts not just through college — but for a lifetime. Our chapter, Iota Zeta, is made up of highly ambitious men who strive to be successful while also undoubtedly supporting the success of their brothers. We also pride ourselves on being highly involved in intramural sports, local philanthropies and plenty of extracurriculars and university clubs. Our iconic chapter house sits stately on East Spring Street and boasts a big upstairs balcony in the front and spacious basement with a newly built DJ booth.
Delta Upsilon
Category | Delta Upsilon Response |
Address | 400 E. Vine St. |
National Founding | Williams College, November 4, 1834 |
Local Founding | May 1868 |
Colors | Old Gold and Sapphire Blue |
National Philanthropy | Global Service Initiative |
Open Motto | “Justice Our Foundation” |
Nickname | DU |
GPA | 3.18 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 122 |
President | Ronnie Petrey, |
Recruitment Chair | Cameron Myers,, and Kenneth Kelley, |
Advisor | Andrew Cramer, |
Social Media |
About Us
Delta Upsilon is a Greek Chapter here at Miami composed of over 80 members and is the longest active Greek chapter at Miami. We have made great strides over the last several years to become one of the best chapters here at Miami, and to be leaders in the Greek community. We are one of the most active chapters, participating in many intramural sports, as well as philanthropy’s all over campus. We are dedicated to being one of the best Greek chapters here at Miami, and we are committed to build up our community as well as our chapter.
Kappa Alpha
Category | Kappa Alpha Order |
Address | 314 E. Church St. |
National Founding | December 21, 1865 |
Local Founding | April 10, 1981 |
Nickname | KA |
National Philanthropy | Muscular Dystrophy Association |
Open Motto | "Dieu Et Les Dames" (God and the Ladies) |
Chapter Colors | Crimson and Old Gold |
GPA | 3.19 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 64 |
President | Mac Moore, |
Recruitment Contact | Tommy Sullivan, |
Advisor | |
Social Media |
About Us
A fraternal order of Knights. Military in organization, religious in feeling, and Southern in origin.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Category | Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. |
Address | 2026 Armstrong Student Center |
National Founding | Indiana University, January 5, 1911 |
Local Founding | April 26, 1980 |
Nickname | Kappas/Nupes |
National Philanthropy | St. Jude’s Children Hospital |
Open Motto | “Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor” |
Chapter Motto | |
GPA | 2.87 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.5 |
Membership | 2 |
President | Benjamin McCaskill, |
Intake Contact | Jayson Morris, |
Advisor | Rodney Coates, |
Social Media |
About Us
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was founded at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana on January 5, 1911 by Elder Watson Diggs, The Dreamer and nine other illustrious founders. The goal was to unite college men of a like minded nature in one pursuit: Achievement. The Khaotik Kappa Delta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was chartered on Miami’s campus on April 26, 1980. Since then, the Kappa Delta chapter has done many successful programs on campus including, but not limited to a commemorative 40 mile walk to celebrate the Underground Railroad, annual panels for freshman to gain an understanding of life in college, and much more.
Additionally, Kappa Delta has plans to raise money for their national program: St Jude Children’s Hospital to assist in the goal of pioneering and treating children with cancer. The NUPEs are very happy to be present at Miami University and look forward to a great year of growth, service, and most of all, achievement. Feel free to reach out to the Polemarch Mace Adams ( or Vice Polemarch Jason Steele ( with any questions. Be sure to follow us on social media to see all the great things we are doing in the community @kdnupes.
Kappa Sigma
Category | Kappa Sigma |
Address | 406 E. Withrow St. |
National Founding | 1869, University of Virginia |
Chapter Founding | 1967 |
Colors | Scarlet, White, and Emerald Green |
National Philanthropy | Military Heroes Campaign (National), Oxford Free Clinic (Local) |
Open Motto | A Brotherhood like no other! Fellowship-Leadership-Scholarship-Service |
Average GPA | 3.33 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 91 |
President |
Luke King, |
Recruitment Chair |
Emmett Jones, |
Advisor |
Garett Reinhart, |
Social Media |
About Us
Kappa Sigma is the largest college social fraternity in the world with more than 250,000 living members, including over 17,000 undergraduates and nearly 300 chapters and colonies located throughout the United States and Canada. Founded in 1869 at the University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma International Headquarters is based in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Miami University's Theta-Upsilon chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity was originally founded in 1967 around our four pillars of Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. All of which form the foundation of our chapter's mission: To be the catalyst for our members' development, leaving them prepared to live their lives to the fullest potential, while providing them with a lifetime of brotherhood as a resource. Kappa Sigma prides itself with donating thousands of dollars and hours of service annually and is looking forward to continuing our standard of excellence and growth for decades to come.
Lambda Chi Alpha
Category | Lambda Chi Alpha |
Address | 300 N. Tallawanda Rd. |
National Founding | Boston University November 2, 1909 |
Local Founding | January 13, 1950 |
Colors | Purple, Green and Gold |
National Philanthropy | Feeding America |
Open Motto | “Every Man a Man” |
Nickname | Lambda Chi |
GPA | 3.21 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 110 |
President | Kieran Wickner, |
Recruitment Chair | John Kellis, |
Advisor | Rudy Gruenke, |
Social Media |
About Us
Lambda Chi Alpha, Zeta-Upsilon, was founded in 1950 on the campus of Miami University. We were brought into existence with the support of then President Upham after a period as an academic club. Since our founding, we have worked to better the campus here at Miami in every aspect. Lambda Chi is a brotherhood that develops high quality men. Our brothers hold a devotion to Lambda Chi that lasts not just through our time as actives, but for a lifetime. The Zeta Upsilon chapter is made up of 110 young men that represent a wide diversity of backgrounds, academic majors, and professional interests. We pride ourselves on being highly involved in intramural sports, philanthropies across campus, and leadership positions in many student organizations.
Phi Delta Theta
Category | Phi Delta Theta |
Address | 102 Tallawanda Road |
National Founding | Oxford, Ohio; December 26, 1848 |
Local Founding | December 6, 2019 |
Colors | Azure and Argent |
National Philanthropy | Live Like Lou |
Open Motto | One Man is No Man |
Nickname | Phi Delt |
GPA | 3.23 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 79 |
President | Niko McDonald, |
Recruitment Chair | Chaz Proels, |
Advisor | Alex Kalix, |
Social Media |
About Us
Phi Delta Theta was originally founded at Miami University in December of 1848 with the idea of building a brotherhood based on friendship, sound learning, and moral rectitude. These values live on today with the recolonization of the Alpha chapter on Miami University's campus. We are looking to develop our brothers both professionally and socially through implementing these three values in everything in which we partake. In the 2016 - 2017 school year, Phi Delta Theta helped to raise over $1 million between the U.S and Canadian chapters for the Live Like Lou foundation and other ALS related research organizations.
Phi Gamma Delta
Category | Phi Gamma Delta |
Address | 130 E. High St. |
National Founding | Jefferson College, May 1, 1848 |
Local Founding | 1957 |
Colors | Royal Purple |
National Philanthropy | Big Brothers Big Sisters |
Open Motto | “Friendship, the Sweetest Influence” |
Nickname | Fiji |
GPA | 3.18 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 73 |
President | Gage Schlotterbeck, |
Recruitment Chair | Alex Hatcher, |
Advisor | |
Social Media |
About Us
Phi Gamma Delta was founded on the values of Friendship, Knowledge, Service, Morality, and Excellence. Our members are involved in both the Greek community as well as other organizations on campus. Involvement within the community comes from both service and philanthropy. Our main philanthropy event, Drop the Puck, is a week long hockey tournament that supports Luna Cares. We have active brothers from coast to coast and everywhere in between. The Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami prides itself particularly on strong brotherhood, and excellence in all areas of activity and involvement.
Phi Kappa Psi
Category | Phi Kappa Psi |
Address | 2026 Armstrong Student Center |
National Founding | February 19, 1852 |
Local Founding | |
Colors | |
National Philanthropy | |
Open Motto | |
Nickname | |
GPA | 3.4 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 28 |
President | Nick Steinke, |
Recruitment Chair | Alex Sliwa, |
Advisor | Brock Wagehoft, |
Social Media |
About Us
Phi Kappa Psi is a fraternity built on the principle of service to the community. We focus on building better men through leadership, academics, and philanthropy.
Phi Kappa Tau
Category | Phi Kappa Tau |
Address | 2026 Armstrong Student Center |
National Founding | Miami University 1906 |
Local Founding | 1906; Rechartered November 20, 2021 |
Colors | Harvard Red and Old Gold |
National Philanthropy | SeriousFun Children's Network |
Open Motto | Developing Men of Character into Men of Distinction |
Nickname | |
GPA | 3.28 |
GPA Required to Join | 3.0 |
Membership | 36 |
President | Michael Sapara, |
Recruitment Chair | Aidan Conway, |
Advisor | Drake Berlin, |
Social Media |
About Us
Founded on November 20th, 2021, Phi Kappa Tau has always championed a lifelong commitment to brotherhood, learning, ethical leadership, and exemplary character. By holding ourselves to a higher standard, The Alpha Chapter will change the perception of fraternity life through bettering ourselves and our community.
Pi Kappa Alpha
Category | Pi Kappa Alpha |
Address | 410 E. Church St. |
National Founding | University of Virginia, March 1. 1868 |
Local Founding | February 15, 1947 |
Colors | Garnet and Old Gold |
National Philanthropy | American Cancer Society |
Open Motto | “SLAG” Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, Gentlemen |
Nickname | Pike |
GPA | 3.2 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 95 |
President | Greydon Simpson, |
Recruitment Chair | Emmet O'Keefe, |
Advisor | Sam Flannery, |
Social Media |
About Us
Pi Kappa Alpha (Pike) is an international fraternity that was founded on March 1st, 1868 at the University of Virginia. It was not until 1947, however, for the Delta Gamma chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha to start at Miami University. We eventually settled in our current location at 410 East Church Street, where we are known for the fire truck on our front lawn. Pike’s members strive to live by the acronym S.L.A.G: Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, and Gentlemen. All four characteristics are essential to Pi Kappa Alpha, and one cannot become a “True Pike” without embodying all four.
Pi Kappa Phi
Category | Pi Kappa Phi |
National Founding | College of Charleston, December 10, 1904 |
Local Founding | 1996 |
Colors | Royal Blue, White, and Gold |
National Philanthropy | The Ability Experience |
National Headquarters | Charlotte, NC |
Nickname | Pi Kapp |
GPA | 3.29 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 106 |
President | Zach Rengers, |
Recruitment Chair | Patrick Szabo, |
Advisor | Alex Thomas, |
Social Media |
About Us
Pi Kappa Phi at Miami University is a strong brotherhood committed to academic, social, and professional success. Pi Kappa Phi owns and operates its own philanthropy, The Ability Experience, which focuses on improving the lives of children with disabilities. With pride in our strong brotherhood, gentlemanly manner, and academic excellence, we eagerly await our future successes while celebrating our 20+ year heritage at Miami.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Category | Sigma Alpha Epsilon |
Address | 310 Tallawanda Rd. |
National Founding | University of Alabama, March 9, 1856 |
Local Founding | October 4, 1919 |
Colors | Royal Purple and Old Gold |
National Philanthropy | Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals |
Open Motto | Phi Alpha, True Gentleman |
Nickname | SAE |
GPA | 3.1 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 97 |
President | Matthew Sheehan, |
Recruitment Chair | Dennis Hickey, |
Advisor | David Riggs, |
Social Media |
About Us
SAE has been a fixture on Miami’s campus for 100 years and we are just getting started. Our chapter here on Oxford’s campus looks to be the frontrunner in social, academic, and philanthropic events in coming years. We aim to build leadership and brotherhood in all members from near and far, and never fail to have a good time doing it. Come by our newly renovated house (spring 2020) or find an active brother to learn more about what being a True Gentleman is all about.
Sigma Alpha Mu
Category | Sigma Alpha Mu |
Address | 206 S. Campus Ave. |
National Founding | November 26, 1909 City College of New York |
Local Founding | November 1, 1959. Refounding: April 2, 2011 |
Colors | Purple and White |
National Philanthropy | The Judy Fund for Alzheimer’s Research and Feeding America |
Nickname | Sammy |
GPA | 3.14 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.75 |
Membership | 89 |
President | Luke Manche, |
Recruitment Chairs | Gaige Weiner, |
Advisor | John Winterrod, |
Social Media |
About Us
Established at Miami University in 1959, the Mu Psi chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu is committed to developing young men of exceptional character. We believe that a strong and everlasting brotherhood allows our brothers to maintain positive values and reach their personal and professional goals, all while meeting a group of brothers for life. We offer to all potential members a fraternity built on respect, trust, and loyalty: a commitment to these values enriches the experience of every Mu Psi man. Our chapter offers numerous extracurricular opportunities. These include league-winning sports teams, professional and academic workshops, philanthropy and community service events, and numerous social opportunities. In addition to these we offer five executive positions and 20 chair positions that allow our brothers to develop their leadership, communication and managerial skills while serving as leaders within the fraternity. We also offer housing to all sophomore brothers in our newly renovated chapter house, located near the center of campus and uptown Oxford.
Sigma Chi
Category | Sigma Chi |
Address | 401 E. Sycamore St. |
National Founding | June 28, 1855, Miami University |
Colors | Blue and Old Gold |
National Philanthropy | Huntsman Cancer Institute |
Open Motto | In Hoc Signo Vinces (“In This Sign You Shall Conquer”) |
GPA | 3.36 |
GPA Required to Join | 3.0 |
Membership | 143 |
President | Aidan Scheible, |
Recruitment Chair | Josh Steinhubl, |
Advisors | Connor O'Hearn, |
Social Media |
About Us
As a member of the Miami Triad, the Alpha Chapter of Sigma Chi has a rich history here at Miami University. We recruit men of different temperaments, talents, and convictions to build a diverse chapter and create an environment where brothers push each other to succeed in all aspects of their lives. Last year, our week-long spring philanthropy event, Derby Days, raised over $28,000 for cancer research, illustrating our commitment to being the generation that ends cancer. Our goal is to be the premier fraternal organization on Miami’s campus by developing a strong brotherhood, positively impacting our community, and adhering to high academic standards, all while being deeply committed to the lifelong values of Sigma Chi.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Category | Sigma Phi Epsilon |
Address | 2026 Armstrong Student Center |
National Founding | Richmond College, November 1, 1901 |
Local Founding | March 4, 1948 |
Colors | Red and Purple |
National Philanthropy | Big Brothers Big Sisters of America |
Open Motto | “Building Balanced Men” |
Nickname | Sig Ep, SPE |
GPA | 3.19 |
GPA Required to Join | 3 |
Membership | 70 |
President | Adam Dunn, |
Recruitment Chairs | Riggs Curtis, |
Advisor | Steve Large, |
Social Media |
About Us
Sigma Phi Epsilon prides ourselves on our core values of virtue, diligence, and brotherly love. Our chapter is driven and dedicated to excelling in the classroom, participating in intramural sports, and being influential leaders in the Miami community. We encourage our members to get involved in other unique organizations on our campus to maintain a good balance of academics and extracurricular activities. From the ground up, the chapter focuses on building balanced men to have an impact in our immediate Miami community and also in the real world after graduation. The root of the chapter’s success stems from the unparalleled brotherhood that has been created within the chapter, and it will continue to be sustained for years to come.
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Category | Tau Kappa Epsilon |
Address | 112 S Campus Ave. |
National Founding | Feb 10, 1899 |
Local Founding | May 6, 1954 |
Colors | Cherry and Gray |
National Philanthropy | St. Jude |
Open Motto | “Better Men for a Better World” |
Nickname | Teke |
GPA | 3.15 |
GPA Required to Join | 3 |
Membership | 121 |
President | Jonathan Ward, |
Recruitment Chair | Jake Snow, |
Advisor | Charlie Hall, |
Social Media |
About Us
Founded at Miami University in 1954, the Delta-Xi chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon is an organization ever-building traditions through the uniqueness of each individual. We value personal and professional development, and believe in advancement and problem solving through a collection of intellects, opportunity, involvement, and exceptional work ethic. Through our brotherhood, we strive to create opportunities to leave lasting and impactful marks on college men, our community, and the world. The Delta-Xi chapter is a tool for development of men through giving. Giving to others, giving to one’s organization, giving to one’s community, giving to one’s brothers and friends, and giving to those who are less fortunate. For in giving, we receive.
Theta Chi
Category | Theta Chi |
Address | 310 N. Bishop St. |
National Founding | Norwich University, April 10, 1856 |
Local Founding | March 20, 1947 |
Colors | Military Red and White |
National Philanthropy | United Service Organization |
Open Motto | “Extend a Helping Hand” |
GPA | 3.23 |
GPA Required to Join | 2.5 |
Membership | 101 |
President | Jamie Cristini, |
Recruitment Chair | Luke Radke, |
Advisor | Brett Houseman, |
Social Media |
About Us
Theta Chi is a strong national fraternity with members from all over the United States. The Gamma Kappa chapter at Miami University is filled with hard working students. You can always find us at any of the recreational sports facilities. We are involved in many philanthropies and community service events but our main one is “Drop The Puck On Cancer.” As a fraternity, we hold academics and brotherhood as our highest priority.