Use the full-color version whenever possible.
Logo Usage Guidelines
Learn the guidelines around using the Miami University logo.
Logo Color Variations
Use the knockout type version on dark backgrounds or images where the preferred logo lacks contrast.
Use the one-color white version on dark backgrounds when only one color is permitted.
Use the one-color black version on white backgrounds when only one color is permitted.
Logo Safe Space
To maintain the integrity of our logos, safe space must surround all parts of the logo.
This space provides separation from other elements, as well as the edge of the page. This border should always measure a minimum of half the height of the logo.
Logo Minimum Size
Print .51"
Digital 38px
Print 1.125"
Digital 81px
Print 1.65"
Digital 119px
Print 3.3"
Digital 238px
Logo Misuse
This is not an exhaustive list.
Don't alter
Don't stretch
Don't rotate
Don't add a drop-shadow
Don't add a pattern
Don't change the text color
Don't add to a sentence
Don't use as bullet points
Don't surround with a shape
Don't use the beveled-M without white outline
Don't use a line to attach to another logo
Don't attach to another logo