Kathryn Atkins
M.S. in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development, University of Wisconsin/Madison
Certificate in African Studies, University of Wisconsin/Madison
MSEd in Secondary Science Education, Lehman College
B.A. in Biology, University of Mississippi
Site Affiliation: Wildlife Conservation Society / Bronx Zoo
… is the Education Director for the Wade Institute for Science Education. Kathryn has a BA in Biology from the University of Mississippi; an MS in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development and a certificate in African studies from the University of Wisconsin/Madison; and an MSEd in Secondary Science Education from Lehman College. Prior to joining the Wade Institute she was an Assistant Manager, Professional Development with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and was part of the team that launched WCS as an Advanced Inquiry Program site. She was thrilled to experience the Hawaii Earth Expeditions course during her time at WCS, an experience she highly recommends! In addition to a love of conservation and science education, Kathryn is an avid knitter, crafter, gardener and baker.