Kristen Keteles
Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (Zoology), Louisiana State University
B.S. in Marine Science, Coastal Carolina University
… received a Ph.D. in biological sciences (zoology) from Louisiana State University and a B.S. in marine science from Coastal Carolina University. Kristen is a toxicologist in the EPA Region 8 Office of Ecosystems Protection and Remediation in Denver, Colorado. She came to the EPA from the National Park Service (NPS) where she was a contaminants specialist, coordinating natural resource condition assessments at coastal National Parks, and prior to that she was faculty in the Biology Department at the University of Central Arkansas. At the EPA she conducts human health and ecological risk assessments and serves as a technical expert on adverse effects from exposure to pesticides and toxics. Even though she works for the government, she remains active in academia through adjunct appointments. In addition to teaching at Miami University through Project Dragonfly, she also serves on graduate committees at Colorado State University and the University of Colorado Denver and teaches online biology classes at Colorado Christian University. Her research entails the investigation of the use of genomic and metabolic markers for detecting exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic life. In her spare time, she enjoys mountain biking, backcountry telemark skiing, and whitewater stand up paddle boarding.