Jerran Orwig
M.A. in Zoology, Miami University
B.S. in Biology, Calvin University
Site Affiliation: Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
... is the Advanced Inquiry Program Manager at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden in Ohio. She oversees the graduate program and supports Advanced Inquiry Program students as they grow and enrich their communities. Jerran also facilitates Earth Expedition courses, cherishing the adventures and experiential learning they bring. She’s on the Training Committee for the National Network of Ocean & Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI), working with science communicators across the country to engage the public in productive climate conversations. She has a B.S. in Biology from Calvin University and completed her M.A. in Zoology with the Global Field Program at Miami. Jerran loves her pesky rabbit, getting outside, using her passport, water sports, reading, delving into a bowl of ice cream, and the Michigan Wolverines.