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Financial Conflicts of Interest

Miami has updated its Management of Conflicts of Interest in Projects with External Funding to comply with current federally supported research requirements. Adherence to this policy will enable you to be in compliance with federally mandated requirements regarding Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCoI).

Please take note of the requirements below and be sure to complete both by their respective deadlines.

  1. Complete FCoI Disclosure for each federal grant submission prior to submission.
  2. Undertake training prior to opening award--the CITI COI – Public Health Service course meets this requirement.

If you have any questions regarding the FCOI policy, training steps, or disclosure information, please reach out to Amy Balk.

Please utilize the  FCoI and CITI Completion Guidance for support.

Getting Started

Who is required to complete the training and complete a FCoI disclosure?

Training and the FCoI disclosure is required for all individuals associated with a project supported by a federal grant. These individuals include: subrecipient, undergraduate assistant, technician, graduate assistant, research assistant, research associate, postdoctoral fellow, senior personnel, principal investigator, and co-principal investigator.

The FCoI Disclosure is required prior to submitting a federal grant.
The CITI Training is required prior to opening of award.

How often do I have to complete the CITI training course?

The CITI training COI-Public Health Service course is valid for four years.

How often do I have to disclose?

A FCoI disclosure is required for every federal grant submission.