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Submit your applications via email attachment(s) to A detailed set of instructions for the new research application process is contained on the cover page of that form.

New Project Application Forms

  • General Animal Use Application
  • For Observations or Momentary Restraint in Research
  • For Observations or Momentary Restraint in Teaching
  • IACUC Protocol Personnel Form
  • Procedures and Housing Application
    [for areas outside the Laboratory Animal Resource (LAR) facility or Ecology Research Center (ERC)]
  • Animal Tissues or Carcasses Form
    (for materials obtained from sources external to Miami)

Post-Approval Modification and Reporting Forms

  • Modification or Amendment to an Approved Protocol
  • Personnel Commitment Agreement
  • Occupational Health and Safety Screening
    • Steps for Health Screening
    • Animal Exposure and Health History Form (OCC Health & Safety Form C)

Basis for Oversight

For Investigators/Instructors using vertebrate animals, review of the protocol for this use is required by two federal agencies:

  • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  • The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS)

The USDA and PHS requirements are similar and the systems of oversight are interconnected and complementary. PHS provides for planning, documentation, and reporting and USDA operates by conducting facilities inspections and review of approved protocols. Most federal funding agencies require compliance with PHS policy and rules, as do many private foundations. Miami maintains a statement of assurance (Animal Welfare Assurance (AWA)) approved by the PHS. The AWA details how Miami University will comply with the PHS policy and rules (as well as those of the USDA). Miami University’s Assurance and USDA Site Certification numbers are listed on the IACUC home page.

Miami Institutional Official (IO)

The person at the institution with operational and legal responsibility for providing a system that meets regulatory and contractual requirements. At Miami, this is the Vice President for Research and Innovation. Direct responsibility reverts to the institutional CEO if the IO is not able or available to respond to program requirements.

Miami Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Federal guidelines state that the University CEO (President), or his/her designee, shall appoint an IACUC consisting of not less than 5 members and including at least:

  • A doctor of veterinary medicine
  • A practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals
  • A member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area (e.g., ethicist, lawyer, clergy)
  • An individual who is not affiliated with the institution in any way other than as a member of the IACUC and is not a member of the family of a person who is affiliated with the institution

Functions of the IACUC

  • Review at least once every 6 months the institution's program for humane care and use of animals
  • Inspect at least once every 6 months all of the institution's animal facilities
  • Prepare reports of the IACUC activities above
  • Review concerns involving care and use of animals
  • Make recommendations to the Institutional Official about any aspect of the animal program, facilities, or personnel training
  • Review and approve, require modifications to, or withhold approval of activities related to the care and use of animals
  • Review and approve, require modifications to, or withhold approval of proposed significant changes in use of animals in ongoing activities
  • Be authorized by the institution to suspend an activity involving regulated animals

Contact Us

To report an adverse event or non-compliance with protocols: Contact Julie Robinson at 513-529-3608 as soon as possible.