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Wil Haygood

"Wil Haygood helps us illuminate important moments and movements in American history and provides important perspective to continue our progress in the years to come." - Miami President Greg Crawford

Wil Haygood: Accomplished Journalist, Award-Winning Author, and Distinguished Alumni

wil haygood speech at freedom summer event

Miami University to receive Wil Haygood Collection

During his acceptance remarks that included him sharing his career journey and acknowledging those who’ve inspired him along the way, Haygood announced that the Wil Haygood Collection, which contains thousands of items and documents from his storied career, will be given to his alma mater.

Tigerland Debut: Convocation 2018

Described as "one of our most accomplished alumni," Wil Haygood debuted his latest book, Tigerland: 1968-1969 A City Divided, a Nation Torn Apart, and a Magical Season of Healing, in August 2018 at his alma mater.

wil haygood delivering convocation speech pretending to shoot a basketball

Miami's Class of 2022 was the first in the world to receive copies of the book due to a special arrangement with the publisher for an early delivery.

Haygood said he hopes his story will serve as inspiration to continue improving race relations in America. "I am of the mind that this book can help us understand why we are stronger together," said Haygood.

Tigerland book being signd by Wil Haygood

Tigerland: 1968-1969 A City Divided, a Nation Torn Apart, and a Magical Season of Healing tells the story of two high school sports teams in Columbus, Ohio.

Tigerland puts this spirited story of improbable triumph in the context of the racially charged late 1960s, which results in an inspiring sports story and a singularly illuminating social history.

wil haygood lane street sign

Convocation was held at the Freedom Summer Memorial, located on Western Drive. The lane connecting Western Drive and the memorial has been named Wil Haygood Lane in honor of his contributions to Miami and society.

wil haygood receiving the presidents medallion

For his contributions to Miami and society, President Gregory Crawford presented Haygood with the Miami University President’s Medal.

In a formal proclamation, the city of Oxford declared Aug. 24 as Wil Haygood Day.

Freedom Summer

freedom summer memorial signHaygood, along with author and fellow alumnus Jeff Pegues, held a public conversation in the fall of 2017 through the lens of Freedom Summer, a marker year in U.S. civil rights and one with a particular connection to Oxford.

The conversation is the first in what will be a series exploring the lasting effects of Freedom Summer, 1964, when about 800 volunteers converged for training at the Western College for Women—now Miami's Western campus—before traveling south to register black voters.

At that spot where the training happened, an outdoor monument was dedicated in 2000. It also honors three of the civil rights workers who lost their lives during that movement. For more information on Miami's role in Freedom Summer and how it permanently affected the fabric of this university.

In November 2019, Miami alumni and others who participated in Freedom Summer gathered at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati to talk about the experience, as well as lessons to address voting rights and social inequality today. 

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