
Learning Management Systems vendor presentations March 17-18

Miami faculty and staff are invited to attend vendor presentations of Learning Management Systems (LMS) in sessions held March 17-18 in the Shriver Center Bystrom-Reid Room. A committee of faculty and staff is reviewing Learning Management Systems that support online learning.

 Those interested can attend any or all of the presentations:

  • Monday, March 17, 10 a.m. - noon: Instructure (Canvas)
  • Monday, March 17, 1- 3 p.m.:  Desire2Learn
  • Tuesday, March 18, presentation will be on Niihka (time tba)

Presentations will consist of 30 - 40 minutes of presentation by representatives of each system, followed by questions and answers.

All participants will be asked to evaluate the presentations using a rubric created by the LMS Review Committee.

Following the presentations, pilot sites and sample courses will be created for hands-on testing.

More information, including a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) document, is available here.