
Men's Glee Club and Collegiate Chorale Oct. 24


The Glee Club's finale during last fall's concert (photo by Ben Taylor).

The Miami University Men’s Glee Club and Collegiate Chorale, directed by Jeremy Jones, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24, in Hall Auditorium.  

Tickets, $7 general and $5 students and seniors, are available at the Miami University box office in Shriver Center.

The ensembles will join together to "celebrate humanity and global connections through the power of a diverse set of music from around the world," Jones said.

The concert will include songs in English, Latin, Spanish, Krao, Haitian and Xhosa, among other languages.

The Glee Club will also present its traditional selections, including “Java Jive” and “Johnny Schmoker.”

The concert will also include pieces conducted by students Justin McKay (Men’s Glee Club) and Caitlyn Lana and Kaitlyn Haight (Collegiate Chorale).