
University Senate action April 18

The 2016-2017 University Senate was convened solely for the purpose of conducting elections of the 2016-2017 Executive Committee. The following two faculty members were elected:

  • Shelly Jarrett Bromberg - Chair Elect
  • Yelizaveta Skryzhevska - At-Large

On Monday, April 18, 2016,  University Senate heard a report from:

  • Provost Callahan, chair, University Senate

Yvette Harris, chair, Executive Committee of University Senate was acknowledged for her outstanding work in support of the Senate. Provost Callahan also minuted a statement for deep appreciation for all the senators whose terms are now concluding on Senate and committees of Senate. 

  • University Senate Executive Committee Update, Yvette Harris, 2015-2016 chair, Executive Committee of University Senate

​Senate heard the following Special Reports:​

  • Update on Associated Student Government (ASG), Joey Parizek, 2015-2016 ASG President

New Business:

  • Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Dossier Preparation, 2016-2017 (MUPIM 7.8.A )
  • Dossier & Evaluation Guidelines for Lecturers, Clinical & Professionally Licensed Faculty (MUPIM 7.11.F.E)

Old Business:

  • One (1) proposed new degree for the College of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences
    • o Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in English Studies
  • Preferred Name Project 

Items received on the Senate consent calendar included:

  • Curriculum Items dated April 18, 2016
  • Executive Committee dated April 4, 2016 

The minutes of the April 11, 2016, meeting were approved.

Executive Session:

After reviewing nomination(s) made to standing Senate committees to replace those who have completed their terms, University Senate endorsed the nomination(s).

With the approval of the April 18, 2016 abbreviated minutes, University Senate endorsed the following resolutions: ​​

April 18, 2016
Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Dossier Preparation 2016-2017

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopts revisions as amended* to the 2016 – 2017 Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Dossier Preparation

SR16-08 carried by voice vote (2 abstentions)


April 18, 2016
Dossier and Evaluation Guidelines for Lecturers, Clinical & Professionally Licensed Faculty 2016-2017

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopts revisions as amended* to the 2016-2017 Dossier and Evaluation Guidelines for Lecturers, Clinical & Professionally Licensed Faculty

​​SR16-09 passed by voice vote​​

April 18, 2016

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English Studies, College of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopt the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English Studies, College of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences;

AND FURTHERMORE, that the endorsement by University Senate of the proposed degree and major will be forwarded to the Miami University Board of Trustees for consideration

SR16-10 passed by voice vote (1 abstention)​​

SR 16 -11
April 18, 2016
Appointments to Standing and Advisory Committee of University Senate

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate confirm the 2016-2017 appointments to open seats of the standing and advisory committees of University Senate; and

BE IT FURTHERMORE RESOLVED that Senate authorizes Senate Executive Committee to confirm remaining 2016-2017 appointments to the standing and advisory committees of University Senate.

SR16-11 carried by voice vote​​

April 18, 2016
Sense of the Senate Resolution - Preferred Name Project Guidelines

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate supports the creation and implementation of the proposed Preferred Name Project Guidelines as presented to Senate on April 4 and 18, 2016.

SR16-12 passed by voice vote (2 abstentions) 

The next meeting of University Senate is scheduled for April 25, 2016, 3:35 p.m., Room 111 Harrison, Oxford Campus

Twenty-five members of Faculty Assembly can challenge the resolution by filing a petition with the Office of the University Secretary during the ten class days after publication in the Miami Wire.