
"Desperately Seeking Civility" panel April 4

Miami University Regionals’ Project Civility will host a “Desperately Seeking Civility” panel forum from 4–6 p.m.Tuesday, April 4, in the Harry T. Wilks Conference Center, Hamilton Campus.

The panelists include Moira Casey, Leland G. Spencer, Segi Adeseha, Curtis Philpot, Karla Ramirez Martinez and Scott Wagner.

Casey is currently the associate dean for academic affairs at Miami Regionals. As a leader, she tries to both model civility as well as support civility among faculty, staff and students.

Spencer is assistant professor and chief departmental adviser in interdisciplinary and communication studies and an affiliate faculty member in media, journalism, and film and the women’s, gender, and sexuality studies program. His research on civility includes the articles Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and Possibilities for a Progressive Civility and Civility and Academic Freedom: Extending the Conversation.

Adeseha is in her fourth year at Miami majoring in kinesiology and health with a focus in occupational therapy. She is the former co-director of Project Civility and currently works for the office of diversity & multicultural services at Miami Regionals.

Philpot is currently the superintendent at Madison Local Schools and served as the school’s principal for 10 years before that. As superintendent, he dealt with a school shooting in the cafeteria. A week later, he brought in Educational Civility Outreach’s chapter of Project Civility.

Martinez is a board-certified family physician and currently practices in Springdale for Tri-County Family Medicine. She received her medical doctor degree from Universidad Anáhuac in México. She completed her medical residency in Chicago, Illinois, in 2005, then moved to the Cincinnati area in 2006.

Wagner works as a producer, director and videographer at WCPO-TV. He also teaches children at Ignition Film School the fundamentals of film storytelling and producing their own films for graduation.

Miami University Regionals’ Hamilton campus is located at 1601 University Blvd, Hamilton, Ohio. For more information, contact Pamela Tyahur at or (513) 755-8464.