
Tech Fee proposals due Feb. 26; information meeting Feb. 12

We all know that technology plays a vital and ever increasingly important role in our lives. And I’m not just talking about tweeting out what you had for breakfast, but technology in the classroom and beyond.

Everything from a virtual cadaver in kinesiology to iPads that students can borrow in the libraries. Both of these examples were funded through the Student Technology Fee Competitive Proposal Process.

it-stickerSince 2009 Miami faculty, staff and students have developed innovative and exciting projects with more than $4 million of awarded funds. The projects help students in and out of the classroom through the use of technology.  

Do you have an idea for a proposal?

This year, a total of $525,000 in tech fee funding is available. Committee members are looking for innovative or significant ideas that clearly benefit students. The guidelines define significant in two ways: impacting a large number of students or having a deep impact on a smaller number.

Your project may directly relate to academics or may be part of the broader Miami experience, making students’ lives better or more productive. Both graduate- and undergraduate-focused proposals are encouraged.

The proposal review process includes three steps:

Submit academic proposals to the primary applicant’s dean. Submit nonacademic proposals to student affairs. This year there is a new electronic form available to submit applications.

  1. Following an initial review at their first stop, all proposals are read and evaluated by two reviewers including students, faculty and staff members.
  2. A panel of IT staff members then reviews the proposals recommended for funding to ensure that requested technology does not already exist at the university, is an appropriate solution and includes any educational discounts.
  3. The list of recommended proposals then goes to the IT policy committee, a committee of University Senate. That group has final approval.

Proposals are due Friday, Feb. 26

Proposals for the 2016-2017 academic year are due to the deans or student affairs by Friday, Feb. 26. The link to the online application form and the complete guidelines are on the Tech Fee website:

Information meeting Feb. 12

An open informational meeting and Q&A session will be held 2-3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12, in Room 162 of the engineering building. For more information visit or send questions to