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The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (AROTC) resides within the College of Arts and Science at Miami University and is located in Boyd Hall. We pride ourselves on the outstanding Family environment and world class training opportunities the RedHawk Cadre and Cadets have established within the All for One Battalion! Our Battalion is led by our Senior Cadets under our Cadre's Train-the-Trainer program. The Miami AROTC program is a rigorous program that focuses on developing the Cadet's Student, Athlete, Leader traits with an end goal of producing a quality Second Lieutenant for service in any component of the United States Army! Cadets will participate in military training exercises, physical fitness routines, and leadership development activities alongside their regular academic coursework. The intensity of the training is adjusted in parallel to the Cadets University coursework.

Mission and Vision

"The U.S. Army Cadet Command partners with universities to recruit, educate, develop, and inspire Senior ROTC Cadets in order to commission officers of character for the Total Army; and partners with high schools to conduct JROTC in order to develop citizens of character for a lifetime of commitment and service to the nation."

The mission for Miami University's unit, All for One (AFO) Battalion, is to inspire future leaders and commission-capable lieutenants of character.

The AFO vision to be the 7th Brigade's premier ROTC program that develops trained, adaptable, leaders of character with a 'passion' for service to our great nation in a time of persistent conflict; cadet success recognized by excellence or outstanding at camp and component/branch of choice during accessions; and inspiring cadre who the cadets & community seek out for guidance, leadership, and mentorship.


For more information on US Army job opportunities, salary, and benefits:


In addition to a base salary, active duty personnel qualify for additional benefits based on years of service, which could mean an increase of pay or benefits from the Department of Defense Blended Retirement System (pension), and duty station and marital status, which can result in a monthly stipend for food and housing on top of a lot of additional benefits like healthcare. See also:

Baseline Commitment

Non-scholarship Cadets have a service commitment of 3 years active duty and 5 years of inactive reserve duty (IRR).

Scholarship Cadets have a commitment of 4 years active duty and 4 years inactive reserve duty status (IRR).

All cadets also have the option to go reserve or guard straight out of college. Serve your country part-time while also pursuing your civilian goals and careers. Those that go U.S. Army Reserve or National Guard have an initial 8-year obligation: 6 years with a unit and 2 years of inactive reserve (IRR).

For more program specific information contact our Miami University Army National Guard Representative regarding admission into the national guard program, questions, and scholarships/benefits information.

U.S. Army Ohio National Guard Miami University Representative
SFC Brad David
(513) 444-0369

U.S. Army Reserves Miami University Representative
SFC John Lambe
(513) 863-0646

Information for Current Cadets

All Cadets

  • ArmyIgnitED is a tailored, intuitive resource that empowers you to achieve your educational goals.
  • Cadet Information (Xavier University Military Science)
  • Army Publishing Directorate (APD) is the Army's centralized departmental publishing organization in support of readiness. APD authenticates, publishes and provides the official Army index of all departmental publications and forms.
  • Army Field Manuals

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ

How will my time in ROTC and a career in the U.S. Army benefit my post military career in the civilian work world?

ROTC gives you advanced leadership training through hands-on experience that can not be matched by other University programs. In addition, once an officer in the U.S. Army, the additional training and opportunities while acting as an officer will give you life time experience and the ability to build your resume, make valuable connections with veterans and members of the military and  qualify for benefits that can be carried over into civilian lives.

Is ROTC just for active duty officers or can I go Reserve or National Guard?

Upon graduation, you have the option to choose between Active Duty, U.S. Army Reserve, or National Guard.

Does joining ROTC mean I am joining the US Army?

Enrolling in Army ROTC is not necessarily joining the Army. Cadets are not required to attend basic training (unless a cadet is doing Simultaneous Membership Program), and you will not be deployed as a cadet. However, you are participating and training in one of the U.S. military's commissioning paths to become a U.S. Army Officer upon graduation and eventually expected to serve a certain amount of years as an officer.

Do I have to wear the uniform every day?

As a cadet attending Miami University you will only be required to wear the uniform (Operational Camouflage Pattern) on Thursdays. The rest of the days and your other university classes you can wear your normal civilian clothes.

What does the daily life of a cadet at a public institution look like?

Your daily schedule would be very similar to that of a normal college student with the addition of 2-3 mandatory weekly classes, one of which being a lab, one weekend of field training per semester, and three days of morning physical training (PT) workouts per week. As a cadet you will be able to participate in university extracurricular activities, varsity athletics, study abroad, and much more.

Do I have to travel to Xavier University for classes and training?

As an extension unit, all classes and labs will be attended at Miami University in Oxford.  Cadets will not be required to attend class or lab at the host school (Xavier University).


102 Boyd Hall | 551 Western College Drive | 513-529-3527

CPT Keegan Alldredge

102A Boyd Hall 

MSG Jacob Hill

102B Boyd Hall 

Nathan Quinn

102C Boyd Hall

SFC Ashley Patti

OH ARNG Recruiter
102D Boyd Hall