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Flags were originally purchased based on these three criteria in 2001. A refresh occurred in 2014 in order  to update any flags that had changed and to add new countries not included in the 2001 survey.

Listed below are the current flags hanging in the ILRC:

Flag of Argentina Argentina Flag of Greece Greece Flag of the Philippines Philippines
Flag of Armenia Armenia Flag of Honduras Honduras Flag of Poland Poland
Flag of Australia Australia Flag of Hong Kong Hong Kong Flag of Portugal Portugal
Flag of Austria Austria Flag of Hungary Hungary Flag of Russia Russia
Flag of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Flag of India India Flag of Singapore Singapore
Flag of Bangladesh Bangladesh Flag of Iran Iran Flag of South Africa South Africa
Flag of Belize Belize Flag of Israel Israel Flag of South Korea South Korea
Flag of Brazil Brazil Flag of Italy Italy Flag of Spain Spain
Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria Flag of Jamaica Jamaica Flag of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Flag of Canada Canada Flag of Japan Japan Flag of Sweden Sweden
Flag of Chile Chile Flag of Jordan Jordan Flag of Switzerland Switzerland
Flag of China China Flag of Kenya Kenya Flag of Syria Syria
Flag of Columbia Colombia Flag of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Flag of Taiwan Taiwan
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg Flag of Tajikistan Tajikistan
Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic Flag of Malaysia Malaysia Flag of Thailand Thailand
Flag of Denmark Denmark Flag of Mexico Mexico Flag of Tunisia Tunisia
Flag of Ecuador Ecuador Flag of Moldova Moldova Flag of Turkey Turkey
Flag of Egypt Egypt Flag of Mongolia Mongolia Flag of the Ukraine Ukraine
Flag of Finland Finland Flag of Nepal Nepal Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Flag of France France Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands Flag of the United States of America United States of America
Flag of Georgia Georgia Flag of Nicaragua Nicaragua Flag of Venezuela Venezuela
Flag of Germany Germany Flag of Oman Oman Flag of Vietnam Vietnam
Flag of Ghana Ghana Flag of Peru Peru


Contact the ILRC

Irvin Hall South Entrance

Interactive Language Resource Center

Irvin Hall 60
400 East Spring Street
Oxford, OH 45056-3645
United States
(513) 529-4505


Daniel E. Meyers, M.A., Director

Irvin Hall 47
(513) 529-2510