Microbiology Advising FAQs
Please send questions and comments to:
Chief Departmental Advisor
How do I change my catalog year so that I can use the latest course requirements for the B.A. degree in Microbiology or switch to the B.S. degree in Microbiology?
Students who wish to switch degree programs or to change to the latest catalog year by filling out a "Change of Major" form in the Microbiology office.
Where do I learn more about the Miami Plan?
Please visit the Office of Liberal Education where most of your questions should be answered.
Do cross-listed courses count toward the credit hours required for the major?
Yes. If you find an exception on your DAR, contact the MBI CDA and it can be adjusted.
Does the department offer any MBI courses for majors in the summer?
There are very limited opportunities to take MBI courses for majors in the summer. You should plan in taking your MBI courses for majors during the academic year.
Can microbiology courses taken at another university during the summer be used to satisfy MBI course requirements?
Yes. Contact your academic advisor with questions about specific courses. In many cases, these courses can be used to substitute for similar courses at Miami University.
What is the minimum GPA in one's major (MBI) required for graduation?
We require a minimum of GPA of 2.0 in MBI courses within the major.
Is there a minimum grade necessary in an MBI course other than passing?
No. All that is required is a passing grade. Keep in mind that a low passing grade will lower your GPA within the major, and will leave you less prepared for following courses.
When is MBI 424, 435, or 495 offered?
In the Fall semester, but not every year.
Is MBI 361 offered on the Oxford Campus?
Yes, but typically in the Fall semester and not necessarily every year. It is also offered as an honors version in the Spring. It is offered every semester and in the summer at one of the Regional Campuses.
How do I enroll in a thematic sequence?
Students may choose from among any of the thematic sequences offered at Miami University. Students must register for the thematic sequence at the department offering the sequence. Please note that Microbiology majors cannot use a Microbiology thematic sequence to satisfy the requirement.
Do I have to take the Microbiology Capstone?
No. Microbiology majors can satisfy capstone requirements with any capstone offered by Miami University.
How do I enroll in the Microbiology Capstone?
To enroll in the Microbiology Capstone, you must find an MBI faculty member willing to sponsor either your laboratory research (MBI 477.C), your library research (MBI 440.C) or your senior internship (MBI 410). Research Capstone courses require a completed independent study form for enrollment. Be sure to use the .C modifier when you enroll in either Research Capstone course. You will also need to take Undergraduate Seminar (MBI 490) to complete the capstone.
I want to do research here at Miami; how can I get involved in undergraduate research?
Getting involved in undergraduate research at Miami requires a little self-motivation and a little persistence. The Microbiology faculty are quite interested in undergraduate participation in their research programs, and the undergrads doing research are all students who have approached the faculty about the possibility of joining their lab.
The best way to get involved is to start early - identify those faculty with research programs in which you are most interested and go talk to them. Sometimes there will be no available slots, but be persistent. We want you to get involved, and we will work with you to find a way.
How can I learn about and apply for summer internship and employment opportunities in microbiology?
The Microbiology Club maintains an "internship mailbox" in the Department of Microbiology's Office (32 PSN). This mailbox contains an abundance of information regarding summer research opportunities, including application procedures, components of various summer programs, housing options and stipend details.
Comments and contacts from microbiology majors who have completed summer internships are located in the "internship mailbox."
Summer research internships at Miami University include the College of Arts and Science Howard Hughes Summer Internships and the University Summer Scholars Program. For highlights and details about these opportunities and more, please visit their informational websites or our undergraduate research page.