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Art Museum Benefits and Membership Levels
Benefit Miami Individual/ Family* ($35/$60) Individual/ Family ($40/$70) Reciprocal Individual/ Family ($100/$120) Distinguished ($500) Director's Circle ($1000) Exhibitor ($2500)
Exhibition Previews (Member Openings) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Member Meetings and Receptions Y Y Y Y Y Y
Member Magazine and Annual Report Y Y Y Y Y Y
Discounted Merchandise Y Y Y Y Y Y
Discounted Facility Use Y Y Y Y Y Y
Member Insider E-Mails Y Y Y Y Y Y
Recognition of Membership Y Y Y Y Y Y
Reciprocal Admissions and Discounts to Nearly 1000 Museums in North America N N Y Y Y Y
Access to Miami Alumni Travel/Tour Programs N N Y Y Y Y
Discounts to Select Business Partners N N Y Y Y Y
Pair of Courtesy Tickets to a Select Performing Arts Series Event and Reception N N N Y Y Y
Guest Passes to VIP Previews N N N Y Y Y
10% Discount on Gift Memberships N N N Y Y Y
Coffee with the Curator Event Invitation N N N Y Y Y
Invitation to Local Excursions with Director Or Curator (Up to 2/Year) N N N N Y Y
Invitation to Donor Appreciation Event N N N N Y Y
Invitation to Behind the Scenes Tour N N N N Y Y
Exhibition Catalog (When Produced) N N N N Y Y
Sponsorship of Museum Program Event/Lecture/ Movie with Acknowledgment N N N N Y Y
Co-Sponsorship of an Exhibition with Acknowledgment N N N N N Y
Invitation to Private Events Tied to Exhibition/Programs N N N N N Y
One Day Auditorium Rental Fee Waived N N N N N Y
One Free Reciprocal Individual or Family Membership to Gift N N N N N Y

* Miami Individual/Family includes Miami Alumni, Faculty, and Staff

All Miami students are Art Museum Student Members and are encouraged to participate in student opening events, and may receive student e-newsletters and merchandise discounts.

Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum

801 South Patterson Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056
Galleries Open Jan 28-Jun 7 Tue-Fri 10 AM-5 PM; Sat 12-5 PM; Second Wednesday of the month 10AM-8PM