Contact Us
119 Center for Performing Arts
Oxford, OH 45056
The Department of Theatre will submit the names of incoming students with exceptional academic records and demonstrated creative talent for consideration as Creative Arts Scholars. Benefits include:
Scholarship notification is typically sent by the University mid-March. If you have questions before March, please feel free to contact us.
Many scholarships are available for continuing majors and minors. Students who wish to be considered may nominate themselves or may be nominated by a fellow student, faculty, or staff member. Nominations are made in February of each year and the awards are given at the annual Department Awards Ceremony in April.
Theatre majors have worked with the Study Abroad and Away Office to find exchange programs and co-sponsored programs to many different countries. Several majors have attended the British American Drama Academy. Why not Spain, or Japan, or Sydney...or Miami Luxembourg?
Although Theatre courses are not regularly taught in Luxembourg, many of our majors have spent a semester there taking Global Miami Plan courses or tackling requirements of a second major or minor. It's just a short train ride to some of the best theatre in Europe! Learn more about the Luxembourg Program »
The world of theatre is wide and diverse, and what better way to explore it than study abroad? Experiencing another culture is a fantastic creative trigger and a memorable personal event.
Make Theatre. Make a Difference.
119 Center for Performing Arts
Oxford, OH 45056