CEC Graduation Cap Decorating Contest
How to Enter
Decorate your graduation cap and wear it to the Recognition Ceremony on Saturday, May 18th.
Arrive by 3:30 p.m. and line up according to your department when directed.
Judges come to each of the lines for each Department to judge the caps. You do not need to go anywhere to have your cap judged. Stay in line with your Department. Judges will review, by 3:40 p.m., all graduation caps. Anyone arriving after 3:40 p.m. may not be part of the contest. Decisions of the judges will be made before the processional starts and all decisions are final.
Contest Rules
All CEC graduates are eligible to decorate their caps and participate in the contest.
- Entries must be entirely original, created, and submitted by the graduate, and may not violate any third-party rights. Your Submission must be appropriate for publication in a commercially distributed magazine or other generally available medium. All decorated caps must comply with the student code of conduct and the rules of Miami University. Remember, this is a family-friendly event!
- When using the Miami University logo, please refer to https://MiamiOH.edu/miami-brand/index.html for guidelines.
- Any inappropriate decorations will need to be removed before the start of the processional.
- Decorations may not be so large as to obstruct the view of the graduates or create noise that is distracting from the Graduation events. Cap decorations can only extend 3 inches above the base of the cap and cannot extend down the sides of the cap.
- One winner will be selected from each CEC Department and will be awarded a $25 Amazon Gift Card at the time of judging. Winners will be asked to be photographed with their caps.
Email Colleen Bush- bushc4@MiamiOH.edu