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Combined Degrees

Qualified students can simultaneously pursue a bachelors and a masters degree in one of the EHS programs that offer 3 + 2 or 4 + 1 plans.

Student Classification and Graduation

  • Students in a combined program will remain undergraduates until either:
    • They complete all undergraduate degree requirements and receive their undergraduate degree, or
    • They request the Graduate School change their status from undergraduate to graduate (the student must have completed a minimum of 124 or 128 total graduate and undergraduate credit hours, depending on their catalog year, to make this request). Once the student meets one of these two criteria, they will be classified as a graduate student.
  • Students must have graduate student status by the first day of the semester or term in which they receive their graduate degree (e.g., they must have graduate student status by the first day of spring semester if they will be receiving their graduate degree in May).*
  • Students may not receive both the undergraduate and graduate degrees on the same date (degrees are conferred four times per year (i.e., January, May, August, December), nor can they take all of their graduate credits with undergraduate status.*
  • Students receiving the Bachelor's degree prior to completing the Master’s degree can count up to 9 hours of graduate coursework toward their Bachelor's degree. Those hours can also count toward the completion of their master’s degree. Undergraduate hours cannot count toward the graduate degree.

*Students who were officially admitted to their combined graduate program prior to July 1, 2022, are exempt from this requirement.

College of Education, Health, and Society

210 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056